The book: "Einstein's Destruction of Physics and Scientific Principles"
In 1900, at 21, Einstein obtained his first wrist watch. At that time (no radios and televisions as well as no other radio signal transmitters existed, telephone was commonly utilized after 1910) the adjusting and synchronizing of clocks (simultaneity) was a weighty problem. From around 1880 in Europe the synchronizing of clocks was provided by transmitting time signals via telegraph lines to railway stations. For ordinary residents without contact to the railway station hearing passing by the train in regular time of a day was a most common method of clock synchronizing. No automobiles existed and the train was utilized for transport as the highest speed conveyor. That is why in his STR thought experiments Einstein always stands at the train station and fantasizes about synchronization of clocks by speed of light.
Such a controversial procedure as with his dissertation was inextricably linked with the whole scientific, theoretical, fantasy work of Einstein's career from its beginning till the end.
Such a controversial procedure was also the case of Einstein's 1905 paper, the so called central work of special relativity ‘On the electrodynamics of moving bodies'.
So later Einstein, as well as today's official physics brings the opposite claim to his conclusion from 1905-1907 that Lorentz - FitzGerald theory should be abandoned.
According to Einstein after 1911 both the length contraction of rigid bodies jointly with time dilatation are real physical results of STR although purported null results of M-M experiments cannot be explained by both.
So, although Einstein from the position of his ingenious ‘sharpened new conception of time', based on the Galilei transformation in 1907, disapproved Lorentz and FitzGerald's conception as ‘artificial means of a certain contraction of moving bodies‘, this Lorentz artificial means became a dominant conception of his later ‘improved' theory of relativity.
In Einstein's 1905 paper, lengths of measuring rigid rods undergo no changes in different inertial frames –“In accordance with the principle of relativity, the length of the rod in the moving system must be equal to the length l of the stationary rod”. The so called length contraction in this paper subsists in different measurement results of lengths at different velocities of frames. Relativity in the 1905 paper lays in different measurement results arising from measurements of the time, simultaneity, length and velocities in inertial frames at different uniform translation velocities.
In the 1905 paper the propagation of light in empty space had standard (so as waves in the water or in the air) natural requirements of physics –“The light is
always propagated in empty space with a definite velocity c which is independent of the state of motion of the emitting body”.
But Einstein, in his absurd addition law for velocities, in which by change of velocities also time is changed which results in 1 + 1 =/2, come to absurdity that mutual velocities of all moving bodies or photons is always c (more detailed in chapter 4.).
The separation of quantities of the velocity and time as independent quantities is the greatest disaster and fraud of STR and GTR.
In physics and, primarily, in mechanics the time and movement and the time unit and the unit velocity are the same notion and cannot be separated, as is explained in chapter 5. of this book.
As is shown below in this chapter all these STR claims from 1905 resp. 1907 were recalled by Einstein from 1911 till 1934.
Another situation in the row of simultaneous validity of two opposite claims in STR is the claim that mass in reliance with velocity is increasing and the simultaneous claim that rest mass is an invariant in all reference frames and does not increase with the increasing velocity of frames.
In Einstein's 60 page 1907 paper, bodies in different inertial frames are rigid without any changes and all Einstein's physics consists in changes of his new time, time coordinates, clocks, which results in his new absurd addition of velocities.
Mass of bodies as well as electric mass is stated as independent of the state of motion of the reference frame and are constants at any reference frame. In this paper, change of frequencies in optics are a consequence of Einstein's newly introduced and calculated group
velocities of bodies.
But later in his papers yet in 1911 [1] Einstein's basic argument is - “inertial mass of a body falling in gravity is increasing and this must be equal to increase in its gravity mass, otherwise bodies would not fall with the same acceleration and Galileo's law would be not valid”.
Subsequently, it is claimed that acceleration at fall of bodies in gravity can by simulated by acceleration of these bodies in void space.
So increasing of inertial mass at acceleration generally is firm first fraction of this claim contrary to claims in STR from 1905-1907.
But this last affirmation Einstein sequentially fully uproots in his perhaps best known thought experiments presented in 1913 paper [1] right in the first clause – “An observer enclosed in box can in no way decide whether the box is at rest in a static gravitational field, or whether it is in accelerated motion, maintained by forces acting on the box, in a space that is free of gravitational fields (equivalence hypothesis)”.
This contradicts the 1911 paper that the ‘weight' (the pressure at the bottom of the box) of the accelerated observer enclosed in box will increase while his weight in the static gravitational field remains constant.
So there is no problem for an observer enclosed in Einstein's box to decide whether the box is at rest in a static gravity field or whether it is in accelerated motion, maintained by forces acting on the box. Simply sensitive enough scales are needed. In this book, in section 4. we bring a closer view of this schizoid Einstein logic.
In a 1911 paper Einstein came to his physically utmost idiocy (here Feynman's simile is used), which he called “a consequence of fundamental significance” of his theory that “in the gravity field the frequency of light is everywhere the same but just the clock by which we measure the frequency runs slower”!
According to this Einstein's revelation of “fundamental significance” all our experimental observation of various ratios of refractive indices of the light (ratio of change of light frequencies) at the transition between different densities of the translucent substances or fluids should always equal to one and “just the clock by which we measure the frequency runs slower”.
Simultaneous validity of two opposite claims in STR represents even the very first postulate of STR about always constant velocity of light speed and primary claim of relativity that all velocity are relative.
Although allegedly biggest discovery of STR is that all velocities are relative and no absolute velocity exists, the STR is based on the absolute, fixed and never changing constant velocity of light. So if the speed of light is the absolute velocity, then we can measure all other velocity as absolute taking the speed of light as base and the primary STR claim about relativity of all velocities is nonsense.
On top of it in the second of two postulates of Einstein's special theory of relativity he simultaneously declares that all velocities of bodies to velocity of light are always the velocity of light.
So, if the speed of light is chosen as the basic comparative velocity then no other velocity than the velocity of light can be measured.
On this schizoid base is constructed the special theory of relativity, allegedly the biggest achievement of the human spirit in the history of mankind.
In the 1913 paper [1] ‘Outline of the generalized theory' we can read - “I have shown in previous papers that the equivalence hypotheses leads to the consequence that in a static gravitational field the velocity of light c depends on the gravitational potential.
This dialectical procedure, in which Einstein and contemporary relativity offer allegedly primary valid physical statements and, at the same time, also claim as valid the opposite claim to these primary statements is repeated many times in all special and general relativity.
No one knows what relativity factually says and so these statements actually cannot be refuted or confirmed.
The result is a conflict of frenzied circular patterns of thought and action, confusion and destruction of logical, philosophical thinking of man and the destruction of physics as a whole.
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