Comments about the book "Relativity for scientists and engineers" by Ray Skinner

This document contains comments about the book: "Relativity for scientists and engineers" by Ray Skinner. 2014 Dover Publications. Inc
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In the last paragraph I explain my own opinion.



1. Our picture of the Universe.

Chapter 1.

Special Relativity Theory - page 1

The book focusus on the modification of our usual views of space and time and the consequent changes in the laws of motion resulting from new information provided by experiments performed in the last half of the nineteenth century.
The range of validity of Newton's laws is limited, however; thye special theory of relativity is requiered for the description of some phenomena that are not correctly described by Newton's laws.

page 2

The special theory of relativity is based on concepts of space and time that differ from those applicable in newton mechanics ( although the concepts of relativity are compatible with the newtonian concepts in their common range of validity)
The concepts space and time should be clearly explained in both newton mechanics and in special relativity and what the differences are.
It should be mentioned that there exists a clear difference betweem time, universal time and the age of the universe versus clock time.
A clock is a physical object with the physical limitation that a moving clock runs slower than a clock at rest and as such moving clocks should be not used.
It should also be mentioned that the time, at any instance, every where in the universe is the same.
Newton mechanics represents a precise statement of our intuitive ideas about the common motions of everyday experience.
This sentence gives the impression that our intuitive ideas can be exactly described, but they can not.
Intuitive ideas, what ever that means, can not be used to study science.
Newton maintained that time was absolute: that is every observer can determine time intervals relative to a time standard or clock that depends in no way on that observer.
My understanding is that Newton assumed that any specific event can given a specific time stamp, indicating the time (of the day) of that event. In principle there is nothing wrong with that.
The problem starts with the question: How is the time of that event measured? When the answer is: by using clocks, then you get immediate the following questions: How accurate can a physical clock measure the time of an event?
This can become more difficult, when moving clocks are introduced.
It follows from this, for example, that if the time interval between these two explosions is 94 sec according to your clock, the time interval between these two events is also is also 94 sec according to my clock.
My impression is that for Newton only the time t1 for the first explosion and the time t2 for the second explosion are important. If different observers get different values for t1, they should come to an agreement. The difference between t2 and t1 shows the time interval dt.
This idea - that the length of the time interval between two events is independent of who measures it - provided a cornerstone for acceptable explanations of observed physical phenomena until the turn of this century.
That is the way it should be. The actual time of two events should be independent of who measures it.
It is easy possible that observer A, depending about his position, observes two events as simultaneous, while a different observer does not. This observer dependency should be removed to calculate the actual time of the events.

My impression is that for Newton the time (of the day) and the positions of the events in the solar system were important and not so much how the parameters of these events were measured or calculated. It is my understanding that Newton only used one reference frame.

page 8

The lack of succes in determining the priviliged reference frame in which the medium that transmits light waves is at rest, and other considerations, led Einstein to postulate that in fact there was no such preferred reference frame, and that the speed of light is the same relative to all inertial frames.
The real issue is, if the speed of light, of photons is the same throughout the whole of the universe for all conditions. This requires a common method how the speed of light is measured.

As a consequence of study of the propagation of light, we gain further insight into the properties of space and time.
What is the physical relation between light and the properties of space and time.
The fact that the speed of light is considered constant influences this relation.
We find that we must modify our notions on space and time as a result of experimental results.
What these experiments are is very important, specific a clear description how these experiments are performed.
These modifications (of the concepts space and time) appear very drastic indeed (Section 1.4), although the extraordinary consequences lie outside the range of our experiences of everyday life.
These extraordinary consequences should be described in more detail, as such they will be easier to understand.
We find that the division between space and time for one observer may not be the division between space and time for another.
It should be mentioned that there exist no process in the universe that in any way is influenced 'by being observed'. That means all these processes are completely observer independent. Only certain specific processes here on earth are influenced by humans, but have nothing to do with 'the division between space and time'.

That the relation between observers is different than was believed prior to the turn of the century is shown by the fact that two observers in relative motion do not determine (measure?) in general, the same value for the length of an object nor the same value for the length of an object nor the same value for the time interval between two events (Section 1.5).
That may be true, but in some way or an other all the observers must come to an agreement what the descriptions are of the processes that take place in the universe. That means the physical length of an object and the time of each event. This requires a common, mutual agreed, approach.
IMO it is extremely important that two observers 'calculate' the same time of the same event (explosion). If they don't, the events are not considered as simultaneous, which raises physical mutual difficulties.
It should be mentioned that all(?) objects in the universe move. However it is important that the length of any object should always be measured between two points, simultaneous!
See also: Reflection 4 - World view.
Even the visual appearance of an object is different from one observer than another (Section 1.6)
That is normally the case when the position of objects or the length are not measured simultaneous and should be prevented.

page 11

1.1 The speed of Light

page 15

1.1.1 Measurements of the speed of light

1.1.2 The aberration of starlight

page 38

1.5.1 Inadequacy of the galilean transformation law.

An inertial reference system is defined to include an inertial reference frame and a system of synchrous clocks at rest in that frame.
My understanding is, that all these clocks, at each instant (of time) show instantaneous the same clock time.
Further more we can imagine that there are spectators (observers) at every point of the reference frame who can determine the position (x,y,z) and time t of each event coincident with its occurence.
All these observers have each, the same understanding that when their clock shows 1 o'clock all the other clocks in the universe show simulataneous this same clock time.
However, it must be remembered that such an observer is always present at every event; he is not seated at one point in space watching distant events when their light reaches his eye.
It is important to note that each observer, observes the clocks which are at the same distance from his position, simultaneous. That means all these clocks show the same clock time. What is important all these clocks run behind equally (as a function of distance).
In fact this allows an observer to identify simulataneous events which happened in the past from his position.
We consider two inertial reference systems S and S', with S' moving at the constant speed V, relative to S, along the direction of the positive x axis
My understanding is that all clocks (using light signals) with a speed V will run behind clocks at rest in S.

page 39

We assume that two sets of clock's, one stationary and synchronous in S and the other stationary and synchronous in S', are adjusted so that, at the S time t=0, the origins of S and S' coincide and the S' clock at the origin reads zero. (figure 1,39)
That is correct in Figure 1.39 and explains the situation of the second clock in the S' reference frame. However it does not explain the situation of the clocks 1,3 and 4 in the S' reference frame.
We should add to this equation t = t', with |V|< a universal time that is defined independent of the inertial reference frame.
This sentence is misleading, because the reader should understand the text in case when V and c are of the same order.
What is the definition of: a universal time ?

page 41

1.5.2 Time dilatation and Lorentz contraction

The Lorentz transformation law, which is valid for all possible speeds V, is derived on the bassis of the kinematic postulate that a light signal traveling with speed c realtive to S also travels with speed c relative to S'.
Observer S determines the length of A'B' by measuring the positions of A' and B' simultaneously relative to S.
Let A" be the position of A' relative to S when A' crosses the y axis, and let B" be the corresponding position of B' (Fig 1.42).
Since C'B' = C'A' and since the direction of motion is perpendicular to the S' rod, then A"C' must equal B"C', etc
I would write: then C'B" must equal C'A". This means point C' is in the middle.
Consider a light signal emitted at C at such a time that the signal that the signal reaches B' when B' coincides with B".
This is a lightsignal which moves in the S frame from C to B. At the same time the point B' of S' moves to B of S

page 42

This result may be generalized
Therefore, we conclude that a measuring stick has the same length relative to all inertial systems moving along directions perpendicular to the stick.
That means the length of a rod length l in the y direction, has the same length relative to all inertial systems moving in the x directions
Let us now investigate, from the point of S, the behavior of a clock that is at rest in the S' reference system.
Okay. This clock is also at rest in S.
For this purpose, we construct a clock that uses light signals, thus depending on the speed of light (?) for the ticking off of equal time intervals.
Okay. Why mention: "depending on the speed of light" ?
However this device is in motion to S so S observes that each light pulse travels a distance greater than L. Indeed he observes that the time interval between the ticks of the S' clock is given by : dt = 2L/sqrt(C^2 - V^2)
Comparing dt = 2L/sqrt(C^2 - V^2) with dt'= 2L/C, and because sqrt(c2-V2) is smaller than C, that means that dt is larger than dt'.
In simple language a moving clock ticks slower than a clock at rest.

page 43

Therefore, S' clock appears to S to be running slow. This phenomenon is known as time dilatation (or, sometimes, time dilation)
My interpretation is that such a clock should not be used for any experiment by S.
We now compare length measurements performed by the two inertial observers S and S' on rods lying along the direction of reltive motion of S and S'

page 46

This phenomenon is known as the Lorentz contraction, since the theory of Lorentz predicted such a contraction in an object moving relative to the ether with a speed V. Notice, however, that our derivation of this effect does not involve the ether (or a privileged reference frame).
1. The length of a measuring rod is the same relative to every reference system moving along a direction perpendicular to the rod.
2. The interval of time dt' as measured by a clock moving with a speed V past an inertial reference system takes place over the time dt=dt'(1-(V^2/c^2)^-1/2 as measured by the clocks of that inertial observer.
3. A measuring rod of lengh l' moving with a speed V along the direction of its length past an inertial reference system has the length l = l'(1-(V^2/c^2)^-1/2 as measured by that inertial observer.
My understanding is that a moving clock runs slower than a clock at rest, i.e. runs behind. This is also demonstrated by real experiments. When the speed of the clock returns to zero the total time lost is maintained. All of this has no effect on the universal time or age of the universe My understanding is that physical length contraction can not be demonstrated by means of a rod moving past an array of rigid bars, divided with clocks considered at rest and an observer near each clock. The question is what is the physical cause of such length contraction.

page 48

For this problem, you will need to assume the fact, which will be proven shortly, that S moves with the velocity -V relative to S' if S' moves with the velocity V relative to S.
'Strange' rule if there also is a S'', if S'' moves with the velocity W relative to S.

1.5.3 A special set of Lorentz transformation equations

The Lorentz transformation law, which is valid for all possible speeds V, is derived on the bassis of the kinematic postulate that a light signal traveling with speed c realtive to S also travels with speed c relative to S'.

page 51

However we know how every clock in S is synchronized with O and how every clock in S' is synchronized with O'. This knowledge, together with the relation between the clocks O and O' allows us to deduce an equation relating the times of any event.
This allows the question: suppose an event happens at 12 hours in S, how do you establish at which time that same event happens in S'.

page 55

1.5.4 Derivation of time dilatation and Lorentz contraction formulas from Lorentz transformation equations

page 61

1.5.5 The general form of the Lorentz transformation equations

page 69

1.6 The visual Appearnce of Moving Objects

Until 1959, it was believed that the lorentz contraction was the sole effect that needed to be considered when describing how you actually would see an object moving past you at a high speed.
According to this belief, since an object moving past (you) with speed V, is shortened by a factor sqrt(1-V^2/c^2) in the direction of motion, a viewer would see the object distorted by this compression.
The question is how the speed V is calculated in your frame, including the speed of light.
This belief was maintained until 1959, when it was pointed out that the visual appearance is not determined by the simultaneous positions of all points on the objects
Rather, the visual appearance is determined by the light from all points on the object that arrives simultaneously at the eye.
That is correct for all what we see. Our visible world view is an image of all photons that arrive simultaneous at both our eyes. This has nothing to do with

1.6.1 The difference between the instantaneous location of an object and its visual appearance

The American physicist N. James Terrell showed in 1959 that the Lorentz contraction is not the only effect that determines the visual appearance of a rapidly moving object.

Chapter 2.

2. Special Relativity Theory: Introductory Dynamics - page 133

Reflection 1 - Lorentz contraction

Consider possible Lorentz contraction in two directions using inertial reference frame as described in par 1.3.1:

Reflection 2 - Time dilation.

The problem with time dilation is that there exists not something as time-dilation or time-dilatation i.e. that time runs slower or faster.
What exist that in the universe, all physical objects, including positions, shapes and composition, are constantly changing.
This change we humans can observe and experience and we call that the positions change in time. The issue is that the universe as a whole, changes. Time used in this way is called: universal time or the age of the universe.
A whole different issue is that moving clocks, based on light signals, tick slower as clocks at rest. That says something about clock time. Clock time is a parameter of (the behaviour) of a physical process. Gravity is also a parameter of a physical object.

Reflection 3 - Length contraction & Length expansion a visual illusion?

Consider a train (which consists of loco in front and cariages) of length l, which travels along a platform in a straight path. At the platform is an observer. At t4 the back of the train passes the observer, what will the observer see of the position of the loco of the train?
Assume at t4 the loco issues a light signal. That light signal has to travel the distance l. This signal will arrive at the observer at t6 i.e. later as t4. That means at t4 the observer will not see where the loco is at that instance but at an instance earlier than t4, from a distance closer than l. That means the observer will observe length contraction of the train.
 t6             x     b-----------f
 t5                b--x--------f
 t4             b-----------xf
 t3          b--------x--f2
 t2       b-----------f1 
 t1    b-----------f
 t0 b-----------f
          Figure 3
Figure 3 shows a train, passing along a platform in the right direction, with an Observer at O.
  • At t0 the front f of the train is at the position O of the Observer.
  • At t4 the back of train b is at the position O of the Observer. At that same moment also a light signal is emitted from the from the front, identified as the point xf
  • At t5 the emitted light signal is at the point x between the front f and the back b of the train.
  • At t6 the Observer sees at t4 the front of the train emmitted at the point xf. But that is to late.
  • For the observer to see the front of the train at the light has to be inbetween the f1 and f2.
We all know that we still can see a train pulling away at a far distance, the reason is that the speed of light is much greater than the speed of the train.
Suppose an observer stands on a platform and the back of the pulling away train is exactly at his position, now. At that same moment can the observer see the front of the train?
Yes and No. He cannot see the front of the train where the train is now, because it still takes time from that position for an image to reach his eyes. He can see the front of the train, earlier, a shorter distance away. That means the observer observes length contraction.

Consider the same train of length l, which travels in a straight path towards an observer at a plaform. At t4 the loco of the train passes the observer, what will the observer see of the position of the back of the train a distance l away.
Assume at t4 the back issues a light signal. That light signal has to travel the distance l. This signal will arrive at the observer at t6 i.e. later as t4. That means at t4 the observer will not see where the loco is at that instance but at an instance earlier than t4, from a distance futher away than l. That means the observer will observe length expansion of the train.

t8 f-----------b
t7    f-----------b
t6       f-----x-----b
t5          f--------x--b
t4             f4----------b4
t3                f--x--------b
t2                   f-----x-----b
t1                      f--------x--b
t0                         f-----------b0
           Figure 4
Figure 4 shows a train approaching a platform from the left. The Observer is at O
  • At to the front of the train is at f and the back at b0. At t0 there is also a light flash at b0 towards the front of the train. This light flash follows the path indicated by x.
  • At t4 the front of the f4 is at the position O of the observer. At that moment the Observers sees the back of the train b0 at t0. This indicates Length Expansion.
  • At t4 there is also a light flash at b4 in the direction of the front of the train. This light flash follows the path indicated by x.
  • At t6 this light flash from the back of the train b4 is observed by O, but too late. For the observer to see the back of the train the light flash has to be emitted earlier. As explained above this has to be at t0.
We all know that we can see an approaching train from a far distance, the reason is that the speed of light (towards us) is much greater than the speed of the train (towards us).
Suppose an observer stands on a platform and the front of the train is exactly at his position, now. At that same moment can the observer see the back of the train?
Yes and No. He cannot see the back of the train where the train is now, because it still takes from that position for an image of the back to reach his eyes. However, he can see the back of the train earlier, a further distance away. That means the observer observes length expansion.

Consider a LHC storage ring of 100 km. Consider there exists a rails alongside which also has a length of 100. Place 100 trains on this rails. Give all these train the same speed V, and increase this speed slowly such that each train still has the same speed. The question is: will there slowly become a certain space between each train? The answer is no.

Reflection 4 - World view.

In order to understand the universe and how the unverse evolves, you must have a certain picture, or a world view of the universe.
Starting point of this picture must be that at any instance in time there exists a universe, which consists of objects and events. All events happening at that instance are happening simultaneous throughout the universe. With event I mean any specific or identifiable change.
What is important that all these simultaneous physical changes are caused by previous physical changes and in turn will cause physical changes in the future.
A typical case are all the stars in our Galaxy, which are influenced by all the stars and inturn will influence all the stars.

It is very important that humans, just by observing with their eyes, can not influence any physical change, specific concepts like length contraction or length expansion .
It is important to consider that there are two different definitions of time:

However there exist a much more bassic issue. The issue is that we want to understand the physical processes that are happening in the universe, how they evolve in time, how each started, its cause and how they will end. For example a star can explode.
Understanding these physical processes starts by making observations by humans. This involves the use of light or light signals. The tricky part is that (passive) observations is not a direct way to understand (almost) any physical process. The most important way to understand physical processes is by performing experiments. Specific by performing additional experiments as a result of previous experiments. By doing that you create a model of your processes about the different parts of the process studied and how these parts interrelate and influence each other. This strategy is for example, the major approach to study medical issues.
One major field of study are astronomical issues, specific the behaviour of stars. To study stars, starts with what is called vissible matter, however that is only part of the problem, the real issue is all matter, all baryonic matter of which a part is invisible. The major physical issue to understand are forces, or how by means of forces, masses influence each other masses at a distance i.e. propagate through space. The most important parameter is the speed of gravity. This fact that influence propagation takes time is something Newton did not take into account.
However, now comes the other part of the coin, the concept light, in general electro-magnetic radiation, specific the speed of light, is much less important as previous thought to understand and explain the (physical) behaviour of stars.

That does not mean that light is not used to understand this behaviour. If you want to predict accurate positions of the stars you need accurate measurements of the actual, present position of the (vissible) stars, and in order to do that you must understand the behaviour of light i.e. photons.

However if you read the text available from the book "Relativity for scientists and engineers" it raises certain issues: