My impression is that for Newton the time (of the day) and the positions of the events in the solar system were important and not so much how the parameters of these events were measured or calculated. It is my understanding that Newton only used one reference frame.
Consider a straight rod in vertical direction (of length 2*l) at t0 wich connects the three points: (y0,x0), (y1,x0), (y2,x0). This is confirmed by three observers near these three points at t0. This rod moves with a constant speed V in the x direction and arrives at t1 at the three corresponding points: ((y0,x1), (y1,x1), (y2,x1) This is confirmed by three observers near these three points at t1. Question: Is this conform to reality? Answer:Yes. See Page 42 That means for a vertical rod, which moves horizontal there is no length contraction involved. |
Consider a straight rod at rest in horizontal direction (of length 2*l) at t0 wich connects the three points: (y0,x0), (y0,x1), (y0,x2). This is confirmed by the three observers at these points at t0. This rod moves with a constant speed V in the x direction and arrives at t1 at the three corresponding points: ((y0,x1), (y0,x2), (y0,x3) This is confirmed by the three observers at these points at t1. Question: Is this conform to reality? |
Figure 2 shows 3 rods, identified as R1,R2,R3, in y0, at three different situations. The line y00 identifies the situation for t0. This is the starting position. The line y01 shows the situation at t1 when length contraction is not involved. The 4 lines y02 shows the situation at t1,t2,t3 and t4 when length contraction is involved There are also 4 observers. O1 is at the point x1, O2 is at the point x2. O3 is at the point x3, O4 is at the point x4 All these 4 observers show something specific when length contraction is involded! O1 observes at t1 the back of R1 coincides with the point x1. O2 observes at t2 that the front-of-R1/back-of-R2 coincides with the point x2. O3 observes at t3 that the front-of-R2/back-of-R3 coincides with the point x3. O4 observes at t4 that the front-of-R3/back-of-R4 coincides with the point x4. These 3 rods move with a speed V towards the right. |
Consider the same train of length l, which travels in a straight path towards an observer at a plaform. At t4 the loco of the train passes the observer, what will the observer see of the position of the back of the train a distance l away.
Assume at t4 the back issues a light signal. That light signal has to travel the distance l. This signal will arrive at the observer at t6 i.e. later as t4. That means at t4 the observer will not see where the loco is at that instance but at an instance earlier than t4, from a distance futher away than l. That means the observer will observe length expansion of the train.
Consider a LHC storage ring of 100 km. Consider there exists a rails alongside which also has a length of 100. Place 100 trains on this rails. Give all these train the same speed V, and increase this speed slowly such that each train still has the same speed. The question is: will there slowly become a certain space between each train? The answer is no.
It is very important that humans, just by observing with their eyes, can not influence any physical change, specific concepts like length contraction or length expansion .
It is important to consider that there are two different definitions of time:
^ | .-----. | .-----. | .-----. t| .-----. i| .-----. m| .-----. e| .-----. A.-----.-----------track-----------B------> Figure 5 |
However there exist a much more bassic issue. The issue is that we want to understand the physical processes that are happening in the universe, how they evolve in time, how each started, its cause and how they will end. For example a star can explode.
Understanding these physical processes starts by making observations by humans. This involves the use of light or light signals. The tricky part is that (passive) observations is not a direct way to understand (almost) any physical process. The most important way to understand physical processes is by performing experiments. Specific by performing additional experiments as a result of previous experiments. By doing that you create a model of your processes about the different parts of the process studied and how these parts interrelate and influence each other. This strategy is for example, the major approach to study medical issues.
One major field of study are astronomical issues, specific the behaviour of stars. To study stars, starts with what is called vissible matter, however that is only part of the problem, the real issue is all matter, all baryonic matter of which a part is invisible. The major physical issue to understand are forces, or how by means of forces, masses influence each other masses at a distance i.e. propagate through space. The most important parameter is the speed of gravity. This fact that influence propagation takes time is something Newton did not take into account.
However, now comes the other part of the coin, the concept light, in general electro-magnetic radiation, specific the speed of light, is much less important as previous thought to understand and explain the (physical) behaviour of stars.
That does not mean that light is not used to understand this behaviour. If you want to predict accurate positions of the stars you need accurate measurements of the actual, present position of the (vissible) stars, and in order to do that you must understand the behaviour of light i.e. photons.
However if you read the text available from the book "Relativity for scientists and engineers" it raises certain issues: