Are there physicists who say that there is no quantum entanglement - by Adman Munir - Quora Question Review

This document contains a review of the answer by by Adman Munir on the question in Quora: "Are there physicists who say that there is no quantum entanglement"
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1. Answer Review

The quantum world is full of strange phenomenon, some of which are unfathomable based on our current understanding of physical laws. One such phenomenon which even confused Einstein is Quantum entanglement.
His confusion is correct.
To explain the limitations of Quantum entanglement Physicist John Bell quantified an upper limit in 1964, now known as "Bell's inequality". However, Physicist have observed correlations that exceed this upper limit, suggesting actual entanglement.
The word suggesting is critical. More detail is required which support this claim.
But the findings and their explanations are not perfect. Tests have been subjected to “loopholes” that states use of existing information when trying to explain correlations.

Physicists are now trying to address loopholes in tests to address Bell's inequality, known as the freedom-of-choice loophole, and have presented a strong demonstration of quantum entanglement even when the vulnerability to this loophole is significantly restricted.

In short, most Physicist believe beyond any reasonable doubt that quantum entanglement is real and some believe it exist without any upper limit.

The only way to do science is by means of experiments. Proper science requires that any experiment should be described in detail, such that they repeated by different parties. A certain logbook should be maintained.


Reflection 1 - Question Review

The most important comment about the question: "Are there physicists who say that there is no quantum entanglement" is the definition of "Quantum entanglement".
If quantum entanglement means that the results of chemical reactions, i.e. the elementary particles created can be correlated, than the answer on the question: "Are there physicists who say that the elementary particles created can be correlated" the answer should be: Yes
If quantum entanglement means that the results of chemical reactions, i.e. the elementary particles created are physical connected, than the answer on the question: "Are there physicists who say that the elementary particles created are physical connected" the answer should be: No
If there a physicist who insists that a measurement performed on one elementary particle instantaneous can influence an other elementary particle (at a distance), that physisist is wrong. The concept instantaneous action at a distance is not real.

In short: At many reactions elementary particles are created. If the same reaction is repeated the same particles are created. That means all the physical properties of these particles are established at the moment when these particles are created. If any of the properties of such a particle is modified thereafter (by means of a collision or disturbance or manual intervention), such a modification does not influence any of the other particles.

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Created: 19 November 2023

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