For an article to read, related to part 2, select this link:
The problem is that I think there exists no (simple) relation with the accuracy of a classical computer consisting of a word length of 32 bits versus the accuracy of two entangled qubits.
An article (paragraph) to read, related to the first part, select this link:
IN the first part, the Bell state is discussed, which consists of 2 entangled Qubits A and B. Both have the same probility of measuring a 0 or a 1 (Slightly different wording).
The result is that when Alice measures here qubit A as a "0", she knows that Bob will measure his Qubit B as a "1". and vice versa.
See also
The real question to answer is how accurate can you bring two qubits, each in a state, that when they are both measured, always one qubit is "0" and the other qubit is a "1". That means never both as a"0" or never both as a "1".
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