Is gravity a curvature in space-time, a force, or a wave? - by Viktor T. Toth - Quora Question review

This document contains a review of the answer by Viktor T. Toth on the question in Quora: "Is gravity a curvature in space-time, a force, or a wave?"
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1. Answer Review

Gravity is a force. If you don’t believe me, grab a brick, hold it over your big toe (not too high, I don’t want you to injure yourself) and release it. After you’re done yelling in pain, tell me how it is not a force.
Grab a brick. What do you feel? Yes that is the force of gravity.
Now release the brick. What do you observe?
Yes, both objects move towards each other. However this is only one of three possible answers. Its the matter what is your position. In this case you are on outside observer.
If you are an observer on earth, the brick falls towards you. If you are an observer on the brick, the earth falls towards you. However this answer is not complete. When you release a brick, the movement, trajectory, of the brick is influenced by all masses or objects in the universe, which emit gravitons. Mathematically called a gravitational field.
To refine this statement: In general relativity, gravity is considered, much like the centrifugal force, a pseudoforce, which arises because when, say, you are standing here on the surface of the Earth, you are, in fact, in an accelerating reference frame.
In an accelerating reference frame of what? Of the Sun? of Pluto? of Sagittarius A* ?
Now gravity is universal: it acts on all forms of matter equally.
What does equally means?
Therefore, if I were to apply a geometric transformation to cancel out gravity, it would cancel out gravity for everything.
Why would you do that? Does that helps to answer the original question.
This allows me to interpret gravity as geometry, especially so since the quantity representing the gravitational field does play the same role as the so-called metric.
So yes, gravity is arguably geometry.
That means the question has to be modified i.e. enlarged.
But it is also a field that carries energy and momentum, and it can be nonzero far from any sources, where its energy and momentum propagates in the form of waves at the vacuum speed of light.
So yes, gravity can be a wave.
This answer is misleading because two rotating masses emit both (mathematical called) a gravitational field. This variable gravitational field propagates in space as two waves, originating from each of the two objects.

Reflection 1 - Question Review

When you want to answer the question: "Is gravity a curvature in space-time, a force, or a wave?" in this case, it is IMO important to know what is the reason behind this question.
There can be two reasons: Is gravity a wave? No.
Can you explain the behavior of stars by means of gravitons? Yes. Gravitons are the sources entities or objects to communicate (the force of gravity) between objects with mass. The universe is not empty, but filled with photons and gravitons. We human have eyes, with our eyes we can detect photons. Humans can de attracted towards each other, but that is not by the force of gravity; we cann't sense the force of gravity, but we emit gravitons. Does the behavior of stars demonstrates waves? Yes. Two rotating stars emit gravitons. At any position in space the amount of gravitons is a combination of the gravitons emitted by both stars. This amount fluctuates between a maximum and a minimum, and because the two stars rotate, these maxima and minima rotate as density waves through space.

The physical idea behind gravitons is, that they move in straight lines through the universe, undisturbed by other objects, they meet in their paths. This is different as photons which are attracted by the objects they meet.

Is gravity a curvature of space-time ?
What we observe that the orbits of all the stars around the BH Sagittarius A* are curved. The orbits are elliptical.
The most special star is S62. S62 is the closest star and has revolution time of 10 years. See:
VB2019 Sagittarius.program

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Created: 1 April 2024

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