Why is it that Einstein didnt accept quantum mechanics? Did he also reject the work of Maxwell Boltzmann and Planck as being wrong? - by Kip Ingram - Quora Question Review

This document contains a review of the answer by Kip Ingram on the question in Quora: "Why is it that Einstein didnt accept quantum mechanics? Did he also reject the work of Maxwell Boltzmann and Planck as being wrong? "
To order to read all the answers select: https://www.quora.com/Why-is-it-that-Einstein-didnt-accept-quantum-mechanics-Did-he-also-reject-the-work-of-Maxwell-Boltzmann-and-Planck-as-being-wrong



1. Answer Review

Einstein didn’t reject the work of Maxwell (certainly not here - Maxwell’s work was fully accepted by everyone), Boltzmann, or Planck. In fact, Einstein’s work in 1905 on the photoelectric effect directly built on Planck’s work.
Einstein was simply unhappy with the direction quantum theory took later on in its development.
In particular, he was unhappy with the idea that quantum systems didn’t have some observable properties until they were observed.
Einstein was 100% correct. The effect of observing later, has nothing to do with the result (properties) of a reaction earlier.
He was of the opinion that these features were “present” in the quantum system all along, even prior to observation.
Einstein was 100% correct.

The problem is that there are reactions which create elementary particles or photons which are correlated. In the case of photons the polarization angle of the two photons created can be correlated. That means that if one is x+, the other is a x-. To establish the correlation you have to perform such a reaction 100 times.
The next time when you perform that same reaction and you measure an x+ photon you know that the other photon is a x-. But, and that is very important, at the moment the first photon is measured it was already a x+ photon Even before that moment. The same with the x- photon. The polarization angle was established at the moment both are created.

The problem is also that such photons are called entangled in the sense that there a physical link between both photons exists, which in turn can mean that both photons can influence each other, specific when one is measured (what ever that means). Such a physical link does not exist between photons which are correlated nor with any elementary particle which is created as a result of a reaction.

In the end this turned out to be an incorrect opinion, but by the time we were in a position to prove that Einstein was dead.
IMO Einstein was correct.


Reflection 1 - Question Review

The question "Why is it that Einstein didnt accept quantum mechanics? Did he also reject the work of Maxwell Boltzmann and Planck as being wrong?" are IMO two questions.
Both questions require more detail.
What Einstein did not believe was

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Created: 1 June 2023

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