The problem is that there are reactions which create elementary particles or photons which are correlated. In the case of photons the polarization angle of the two photons created can be correlated. That means that if one is x+, the other is a x-. To establish the correlation you have to perform such a reaction 100 times.
The next time when you perform that same reaction and you measure an x+ photon you know that the other photon is a x-. But, and that is very important, at the moment the first photon is measured it was already a x+ photon Even before that moment. The same with the x- photon. The polarization angle was established at the moment both are created.
The problem is also that such photons are called entangled in the sense that there a physical link between both photons exists, which in turn can mean that both photons can influence each other, specific when one is measured (what ever that means). Such a physical link does not exist between photons which are correlated nor with any elementary particle which is created as a result of a reaction.
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