Why was Einstein bothered by the complexity of quantum physics - by Jonathan Devor - Quora Question Review

This document contains a review of the answer by Jonathan Devor on the question in Quora: "Why was Einstein bothered by the complexity of quantum physics"
To order to read all the answers select: https://www.quora.com/Why-was-Einstein-bothered-by-the-complexity-of-quantum-physics



1. Answer Review

Einstein was NOT bothered by the complexity of quantum physics.
He should have been bothered, how to describe and explain the behavior of elementary particles.
What bothered him is that it wasn’t a deterministic theory.
What is Einstein's definition of a deterministic theory? The behaviour of elementary particles is non-deterministic.
He believed that any theory that cannot make exact predictions, and can only speak in terms of statistical distributions, must be incomplete.
Are you sure that that is his opinion?
See also here: wik_Deterministic_system.htm
In other words, he believed that the current theory of quantum physics is an intermediate theory, which is useful until we’ll reach a fuller, more complete understanding of the dynamics of elementary particles.
The most important chalenge is to describe and understands the evolution of the universe at its smallest detail. That is impossible. You cannot exactly describe the behaviour of the movement of the sanddunes in the Sahara, because it requires the position of all the sand particles.
Then physicists will be able to construct a fully deterministic theory.
Such a theory does not exist.
It is impossible to make accurate predictions based on any theory i.e. mathematics if the positions of the particles involved cannot be measured accurate.
This is what he meant by his famous quote: "God does not play dice with the universe."
I don't understand that quote. God has nothing to do with this.
So no, Einstein was not intimidated by complex equations. Anyone that actually tried to solve the Einstein field equations, even in simple cases, will quickly find themselves neck deep in ugly tensors like seen below. Often, even solving these numerically with the aid of computers is a real challenge.

Reflection 1 - Question Review

What the question assumes that the understanding of Einstein was that quantum physics is complex, while Einstein assumes that quantum physics should be simpler.
To answer that question more detail of exactly what bothered Einstein.

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Created: 1 June 2023

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