VB2019 Simultion of our Galagy, including Sagittarius and 10 Large Stars



1. Introduction and Purpose

The purpose of the program "VB Sagittarius" is to simulate the black hole Sagittarius A* and 10 large stars:
See also:
  1. 4.4 Example of type 2 experiment: The Star s2 around the BH Sagittarius A*
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagittarius_A*
  3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S2_(star)
This program is part of what is called the "Sagitarrius Project". To read more select this link Sagittarius Project
To study part of the problems encountered during this project, pleasy study this: Carpe Diem and Sagittarius.
To study the previous version: VB2019 Sagittarius.program.old.htm.

2. Program Description

The program consists of 4 Forms: Control, Display, Menu and Figure
  1. The Control Form is used to select a planet simulation and to perform a simulation.
  2. The Display Form shows the results of a simultion and the result of a simulation saved in a Data Bae
  3. The Menu Form is to select additional parameters used by a BH simulation
  4. The Figure Form is to select a simulation saved in a Data Base

3. Control Form - Operation

Form Control
Display 1
The control form is used to select and perform a simulation or test.
  1. First select a particular simulation to be performed.
    In the example this is simulation 5, which demonstrates "Sagittarius and 5 stars"
  2. Next Select "Parameter Selection Menu" in order to change cetain parameters relevant for this simulation. This is an option.
  3. Next Select Start
  4. Next the simulation will show the Display Form as shown in Display 2. An additinal display shows the evolution of the simulation. See Display 3.
The control form is also use to select a certain number of pre-configured simulations or subtests.
The whole idea behind these simulations is to run these simulations over a long time period. These simulations can be temporary stopped and restarted at a later date. The intermediate results are stored on the disc
  1. First select a particular simulation to be created.
    Select Menu Selection Form. Select SubTest and return back to Control form
  2. Select Command Creation. This will create a command file. After creating the parameters can be observed and modified by means of the Menu
  3. Next Select Command Excution
  4. This will start the simulation. The results are shown in the Display Form, as depicted in Figure 2

4. Display Form - Operation

Form Display
Display 2
The Display Form is divided in 3 parts: A top header section, a middle section and a bottom section.
  1. The top header section which shows general information.
  2. The middle section shows information about 10 large stars, subdivided in 13 columns.
  3. The bottom section is divided into two parts:
Now we go to something more specific data.

For more technical detail about Display 2 select this link: VB2019 Sagittarius program technical detail
Large Star Display
Display 3a - subtest1
Large Star Display
Display 3b - subtest2
Both Display 3a and 3b show the same configuration. The center of the display shows the BH. lightWhen any is Display selected the configuration is enlarged with a factor 2.
The difference between the two is the order in which the positions of the stars are calculated.

The first star is the star at the top of the list and is shown in Yellow. The second star is shown in Green etc.
The first star is important when observing the Display Form. The bottom right section shows more detailed information specific about the first star.
The most remarqueble star is star S62. S62 circulates in roughly 10 years around the BH. The simulation is solely done using Newton's law.

When Display 2 is selected the top line shows S62. In that case the righthand side of the 10 lines on the bottom show detailed information ablout S62.

5. Menu Form - Operation

Display 4

6. Figure Form - Operation

Display 5
The Figure Form is selected from the Figure Selection Field in the Control Form.
There are 16 standard Figures.
Figure 1 and Figure 2 each show all the 10 large stars.
The final result of Figure 1 is shown as Display 6b and the final result of Figure 2 as Display 7b. The important difference between the two is, that in Figure 1, star #1 is S1 and in Figure 2, star #1 is S62.
That means that the bottom right section of the Display Form of simulation 1 shows the details of S1 and of simulation 2 shows thge details of S62.

Star 10, S62, is special because this star has the shortest revolution time (10 years) and comes the closests to the BH in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. This star serves as a type of guidance or yardstick star for all the stars circulating around the center.
S62 will be influenced by all the other stars and that influence will be demonstrated for each of the other stars individualy. Simulation 2 or Figure 2 shows the combined influence of all the large stars on S62.
S62 can be compared with the planet Mercury in the solar system.

6.1 Curve Form - test 7 - subtest 1

Display 6b
Display 6b

6.2 Curve Form - test 7 - Subtest 2

Display 7a
Display 7b
Display 7b shows the combined simulated influence of 'all' the large stars surrounding the BH in the center of the Milky Way on the movement the star S62
This star S62 services like a yardstick and an instrument to measure the behaviour of the surroundings of the BH Sagittarius A*.
The next paragraphs show the individual influence of each of these large stars
What makes this interesting is that each of these large stars is the source of a variable gravitational field, also called gravitational waves.

6.3 Curve Form - test 2 - Subtest 3

Display 8a
Display 8b
Display 8c
Display 8c, specific the parameter Rev#, shows that during the time that S62 makes 567 revolutions BH S1 only makes 32 revolutions.
Display 8d
Display 8d shows the influence of S1 superimposed on the movement of S62.
The horizontal line shows the 567 times the position of S62.
At each position there 4 points: The green point and the blue point form one pair. The orange and the red point form a second pair. The green points show the actual angle and the blue one the average actual angle.
The red points show the actual angle per unit of time and the orange points the average actual angle
To understand what is happening let us study Display 8b.

6.4 Curve Form - test 2 - Subtest 4

Display 9a
Display 9b
Display 9c
Display 9d
Display 9d shows the influence of the star S2 on the star S62. It is important to observe that S2 makes 349 revolutions while S62 makes 568 revolutions.
Comparing Display 9d with Display 7d (which shows the influence of all star) shows that they are almost identical.
The reason is, that S2 is the closest companion with S62 and influences S62 the most. For more detail see: 7.3 Angular orbital elements

6.5 Curve Form - test 2 - Subtest 5

Display 10a
Display 10b
Display 10c
Display 10d
Display 10c shows the gravitational (rotational) influence of the S4 on the movement of S62. This rotational influence demonstrates the patern of a variable gravitational field (a gravitational wave) enforced by S4.
The parameter Rev # shows that when S62 has made 378 revolutions, S4 has made 47 revolutions or gravitational waves.

6.6 Curve Form - test 2 - Subtest 6

Display 11a
Display 11b
Display 11c
Display 11d
Display 11b shows the movement of the star S62, the yellow star, around the Black Hole in the centre.
Display 11b also shows the movement of the star S6, the green star, around the Black Hole in the centre and around S62.

Display 11c, the parameter Rev #, shows that during the 378 revolutions of S62 around Sagittarius A*, S6 makes 17 revolutions around Sagittarius A*.

Display 11d shows the influence of star S6 on star S62. The green path of S62 is the small ellipse.

6.7 Curve Form - test 2 - Subtest 7

Display 12a
Display 12b
Display 12c
Display 12d
Display 12d shows the influence of star S* on star S62. S62 shows 38 gravitational waves which demonstrates the 38 revolutions of S8 around Sagittarius A. At the same time S62 makes 378 revolutions around Sagittarius A. This is the same as in Display 11d.

6.8 Curve Form - test 3 - Subtest 10

Display 13a
Display 13b
Display 13c
Display 13d
Display 13d shows the combined influence of the star S4 and the star S6 on the star S62.
Display 13d is a superposition of both display 10d and display 11d.

7 VB2019 Sagittarius Software Description

Reflection 1 - Overall evaluation of this simulation.

Reflection 2 - Celestial mechanics of n stars

Celestial mechanics is the study of the movements of objects. In this reflection we study this in three steps: First we consider 2 objects (binary system), then 3 objects and finally with 10 stars. That means first we study the black hole with one star and secondly with 2 stars.

Reflection 3 - What happens if all the large stars are mini BH's?

My understanding is that there is no difference if all the large stars are baryonic matter or BH's, assuming that the masses will be the same. When all the masses are the same the force of gravity between all the masses will be the same.

But now we will go more in a more phylosophical direction. Starting point is that the movement of objects is a physical process. The fact that stable processes can be described by means of mathematics is not an explanation for this behaviour. The stable behaviour is more a result that these processes are not disturbed by anything.
As part of this discussion it is important to define the concepts: the present state, the past state and the future state of the universe. The present state could be a description of the position of all objects at the present. The past state is a description collected in a library of descriptions. All these descriptions are labelled: earlier descriptions. Using these descriptions it is in principle possible to predict the future. Such descriptions are called future descriptions.

My understanding is that at any moment every object is attracted by all the other objects in the universe. You could also claim different: each object attracts all objects in the universe. The most important issue is that this is true for both stars (which emit light) and BH's. The point is that stars can be observed and BH's cannot be observed, but that has nothing to do in the way these objects (vissible or invissible) attract each other or influence each other.

What is important that all the objects are influenced or attracted simultaneous but the cause is earlier. The cause is what is called gravity. Gravity acts by the emission of gravitons.
This can be rewritten as: at the present all objects are the (simultaneous) source of gravity but the moment each object influences or acts on each other object (in space) always happens at a moment in the future.
From a physical point of view a graviton is a invissible particle which transports gravitational energy. These particles are transmitted in sphere around the point of emission, which is considered at rest, within the one frame considered.
From a physical point of view each graviton travels from the point and moment of emission to a different point and moment where the graviton is captured, in a straight line.
Considering the Sun, the Earth and the Moon, each of these objects influences the other 2 objects and each object is influenced by the other two objects. There is no physical difference between these processes. The physical most interesting event is when the moon exactly, passes through a straight line between the Sun and Earth. That is called a solar eclipse
To explain this in more detail, it is important to agree upon that at every moment in time the Sun, the Earth and the Moon have a specific position in our 3D universe. That means at every moment in time there exists a line which connect the position of the Sun with the position of the Earth. What we want to know is when the Moon crosses this line i.e. the position of the Moon at this specific moment in time.
(Old text: However, and that is the most difficult part, that is not the point observed, strictly based on observations of the Sun and the Earth.) Rewritten: However, and that is the most difficult part, neither of these 3 simultaneous events i.e. the actual positions at of this moment of the Sun, Moon and Earth can be observed from Earth, because all what we can observe are observations in the past.
In order to understand the physical reality, the most important are the physical positions of the objects, all reflecting the same moment in time and and not what we observe . That means the most important are the gravitons to describe the physical effects and not photons in order to observe the physical processes.

As of 25 July 2024 this text has to be modified.



Created: 8 August 2020
Updated: 15 November 2020
Updated: 15 April 2021
Updated: 7 July 2022

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