Economic Model - part III - Import and Export (The crisis in Greece)

In the first part the economy we discussed three processes: Industry, banks and humans.
In the second part Economic Model part II we divided those three processes further into: Pensionfunds, Education and Health care.
In this part we will make in a sense the model smaller, on the other hand we will add import and export. Beside that we will discuss the crisis in Greece.

In this part we will subdivide the economic model in three groups:

Industry, Government and Humans
In fact we will left outside everything what has to do with money. What industry is concerned we consider here all what produces.

We will get the next picture:

                   (4)   .............       * (7)   .............
           ------------>.             .------------>.             .
          |        (3)  .  Industry   . (8)  *      .   Humans    .      
          |   ----------.             .<------------.             .
          |  V           ............. <--.  *  .--> .............
    ...............            ^ |    (14) \ * /(11)               ............   
   .               .           | |          \ /                   .            .
   .  Government   .       (1) | | (2)       x                    . Government .
   .               .           | |          / \                   .            .
    ...............            | V     (12)/ * \ (13)              ............
          ^  |   (5)     ............. <--' (9) '--> .............
          |   --------->.             .------------>.             .
          |      (6)    .   Humans    . (10) *      .  Industry   .
           -------------.             .<------------.             .       
                         .............       *       .............
            At home                          *               Abroad
Because in this part import and export is discussed, the model is divided in two parts: Left at home en right abroad
Industry involves all production units in the privat sector.
Government involves all production units in the public sector. That means inclusif the military, education, health care, law and order and the police. The product is called services
The arrows indicate two types of flows: Labour and product flows.
If you study our model than we have 8 pairs arrows in relation to import and export. If each of those arrows, by pair, are equal than the system is in equilibrium.
If you consider the government than there are 2 pairs of arrows. If each of those arrows, by pair, are equal, than also that part is in equilibrium. For the government that means that the yearly incomings and outgoings are equal and that the national debt is constant. That does not mean that also the budget is in equilibrium, because a budget is only a plan.

What happens if the arrows for certain pairs are not equal? Next we will now study some examples in more detail.

Personal thoughts



Written: 15 March 2012

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