Excel program: Bigbang3.xls Description and Operation

Introduction and Purpose

This document descibes "Blad1" and "Blad2" of the Excell Program Bigbang3.xls .
The purpose of the program is to simulate Hubble's Law using different expansion scenario's. The three scenarios are: For a copy of the program in zip format select: BIGBANG3.XLS

Description and Operation: "Blad1"

Blad1 shows three examples of the same simulation.
Each simulation requires five input paramaters: d, v, c, corr and test.
Those five parameters can be modified by the user
The following sketch shows the meaning of those input parameters under scenario 2.
t10             H       z                                               *---->v 
 | .             H     z                                           *---->v
 |   .           H    z                                       *---->v
t7     .          H  z                                   *---->v
 |       .        Hz                                *---->v
t5         .     z H                            *---->v
 |           . z   H                       *---->v
 |          z  .    H                 *---->v
t2       z       .  H            *---->v
 |   z        c<--- .H     *---->v
      distance = d                         space expansion = dt - d
                        Figure 1
The point G1 is the initial position of the Galaxy i.e. the past position.
The point G2 is the present position of the Galaxy. Output values of each simulation are stored in arrays marked: Time, d, dt, vt, zt and H.

In order to execute the simulation of "blad1" select Calculate.

What the simulation shows for test 2 with v = constant is that:

Paramater Test

The next table shows the final result of the simulation for 3 test values:
  1. Test = 1: H = constant
  2. Test = 2: v = constant
  3. Test = 3: v = variable - final value = 0
The most important parameter is the observed redshift value zt of a light pulse emitted at time t0 at an initial distance selected by the parameter "d".

In test 2 the expansion velocity v is the same as the initial speed v of the Galaxy G1 and constant. That means that the output values v are the same as the input parameter v. The Hubble constant H is calculated by dividing vexp with the Galaxy distance. Or H = vexp / Galdist.

For the other two tests a different method is followed. Starting point in all cases is that the final distance fd is the same. Or: fd = d + tmax * v

Test = 1: H = constant

v vt z zt H
100 111 0,11 0,05 0,01
1000 2718 1,72 0,5 0,1
4000 218218 53,55 2 0,4

Test = 2: v = constant

v vt z zt H
100 100 0,1 0,0484 0,01 - 0,009
1000 1000 1 0,3863 0,1 - 0,05
4000 4000 4 1,0120 0,4 - 0,08

Test = 3: v = variable - final value = 0

v vt z zt H
100 0 0,05 0,0327 0,01 - 0
1000 0 0,5 0,2810 0,1 - 0
4000 0 2 0,8078 0,4 - 0

Starting point of each test is the second Hubble's Law: V = H * d.
The initial value of H is : v / d. That means that for "v" of resp. 100, 1000 and 4000 and with d = 10000 the starting value of H is resp: 0.01, 0.1 and 0.4
In the case of "test 2" the expansion velocity is constant. That means with a time of t = 10 the final distances are for "v" of resp. 100, 1000 and 4000 are 11000, 20000 and 50000.
Using the equation z = (final distance - initial distance)/initial distance we get the following theoretical values of z: 0.1, 1 and 4. You get the same theoretical values using the Doppler shift equation v = c * z

What the above simultions for "test 2" show is that the simulated (observed) values of z (i.e. zt) are lower than the theoretical values. The same is also true for the theoretical values of z versus the simulated values of z (i.e. zt) for the other two tests. The highest values of zt are obtained in "test 1".

Description and Operation: "Blad2"

"Blad2" Shows the same simualations as on "Blad1". Standard execution of the simulation of "Blad2" is performed by selecting Calculate on "Blad1". When you do that the parameter values from "Blad1" are copied to "Blad2"

"Blad1" shows the evolution of z for one light pulse emitted at distance "d" for three different expansion scenarios at time t0. The idea behind "Blad2" is to shows a range of observed z values when there are additional supernovae during the time (in increments of 10%) that the original light pulse travels towards the observer at the same distance of the light pulse. The idea behind this is to test if there exists a lineair relation between z and distance under the same expansion scenario.


Test = 1: H = constant: v in = 1000

time d dt v vt z zt H
0 10000 27181 1000 2718 1,7181 0,5 0,1
5 5000 8244 500 824 0,6488 0,2502 0,1
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,1

Test = 2: V in = 1000 and constant

time d dt v vt z zt H
0 10000 20000 1000 1000 1 0,3863 0,1
5 5000 6667 333 333 0,3334 0,1508 0,06666
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,05

Test = 3: V in = 1000 and variable

time d dt v vt z zt H
0 10000 15000 1000 0 0,5 0,2810 0,1
5 5000 5455 182 0 0,0909 0,0585 0,03636
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

First Hubble's Law z = H/c * d

The First Hubble's Law describes a linear relation between the past distance of an event and the observed red shift value. In this simulation this are the parameters "d" and "zt"

What the above tests show (v = 1000) is that only in the case of "test 1" there exits a linear relation between the past distance "d" (0, 5000 and 10000) and the observed (simulated) value "zt" (0, 0,25 and 0,5). The same is true for all values of "v" i.e. "v" = 100 in "test 1" and "v" = 4000 in "test 3".

The explanation is that only in "test 1" space expansion is constant in time and the Hubble constant is constant in time. In "test 2" and "test 3" this is not the case because H is variable and decreases in time.

Second Hubble's Law v = H * d

The First Hubble's Law describes a linear relation between the past distance of an event and the velocity of that event. In this simulation this are the parameters "d" and "v"

What the above tests show (v = 1000) is that only in the case of "test 1" there exits a linear relation between the past distance "d" (0, 5000 and 10000) and the past speed "v" (0, 500 and 1000). The same is true for all values of "v" i.e. "v" = 100 in "test 1" and "v" = 4000 in "test 3".

The First Hubble's Law can also be described a linear relation between the present or proper distance of this event and the present velocity of the event. In this simulation this are the parameters "dt" and "vt"

What the above tests show (v = 1000) is that:

In "test 1" both definitions the value of H is the same and 0.1
In "test 2" the value of H is 0.2 and different from the values in the table.

Doppler shift law v = c * z

What the above tests show (v = 1000) is that

Paramater Corr

The parameter Corr can have two values: 0 and 1. There is not much difference between the two cases when the speed of the galaxy is small relatif to the speed of light.
There is a difference when the speed of the galaxy approaches the speed of light and when the speed is much larger. In general the difference implies that it takes much longer for a light pulse to reach the Observer.
Assume "test 2" and that space expansion is constant.

Test = 1: H = constant : corr = 1

v vt z zt H
100 112 0,11 0,0535 0,01
500 1007 1,01 0,3863 0,05
960 25104 25,15 2,3521 0,096

Test = 2: v = constant : corr = 1

v vt z zt H
100 100 0,11 0,0516 0,01 - 0,009
1000 1000 1,8 0,7171 0,1 - 0,0357
4000 4000 53,6 12,3865 0,4 - 0,00733

Test = 3: v = variable - final value = 0 : corr = 1

v vt z zt H
100 0 0,0517 0,0342 0,01 - 0
1000 0 0,7234 0,4471 0,1 - 0
4000 0 15,0398 6,5234 0,4 - 0

What the simulations show is that the theoretical value z and the simulated observed value z0 are much larger.

Paramater Corr and "Blad2"


Test = 1: H = constant: v in = 990

time d dt v vt z zt H
0 10000 1000082 990 99008 99,0082 3,6523 0,09900
30,66 8000 38467 792 3808 3,8084 0,9829 0,09900
41,43 4000 6623 396 656 0,6560 0,2733 0,09900
46,52 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,09900

Test = 2: V in = 1000 and constant

time d dt v vt z zt H
0,00 10000 27988 1000 1000 1,7998 0,7171 0,1
6,96 8000 13207 472 472 0,6509 0,2763 0,5896
12,81 4000 4910 175 175 0,2277 0,0900 0,04384
17,18 0 0 0 0 0 0 0,03679

Test = 3: V in = 1000 and variable

time d dt v vt z zt H
0,00 10000 17234 1000 0 0,7234 0,4471 0,1
5,46 8000 9556 345 0 0,1946 0,1266 0,04317
10,38 4000 4139 68 0 0,0349 0,0231 0,01698
14,47 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

First Hubble's Law z = H/c * d

What the above tests show is that in general there exists no linear relation between the past distance (Light distance) (0, 5000 and 10000) and the observed (simulated) value zt (0, 0,25 and 0,5). The only exception is for small values of "v" in "test 1" but that is no surprise because small means relative to the speed of light.

Second Hubble's Law v = H * d

Same remarks.

Doppler shift law v = c * z

Same remarks.



Modified: 21 March 2010
Created:17 Februari 2010

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