In this chapter we discuss the movement of the planet Mercury around the Sun
Around the Sun there are 9 planets. Almost all the planets move in a circle around the Sun, with the Sun in the centre. The only exceptions are Mercury and Pluto. The trajectory of both planets is an ellipse. The planet Mercury will be studied in detail in this chapter.
An ellipse is described by three parameters:
The following pictures explains this:
..Y.. ..... ..... . . . . . . P S C X A . . . . . . ..... ..... ..Z..
By definition all the planets move counter clockwise. Mercury starts (arbitrary start position) in A, then moves towards Y, then towards P (shortest distance to Sun), then towards Z and back towards A (furthest distance to Sun). That is one revolution. Then the next revolution starts etc. The speed of Mercury at P is the highest and at A the lowest. Mercury makes roughly 4 revolutions in one year.
In order to observe the movement of Mercury perform the Program:
What makes the study of Mercury so interesting is that the direction of the major axis is not fixed in space but also moves counter clockwise. The total angle of this forward angle is 574 arc seconds in one century.
The easiest way to simulate the forward movement of a planet is when the Sun was not one star but two stars i.e. a double star.
Test 8 shows that the forward movement is highly irregular.
The shape of most of the planets is not round.
N . . . . . . . . . . W...............C...M...........E Observer . . . . . . . . . . SFigure 1
Figure 1 shows the Sun.
The shape of an object is expressed as oblateness. Oblateness = D0 / (D1 - D0) or D1 = D0 * ( 1 + Oblateness)
When Oblateness is 0 the shape is round. When Oblateness is non zero the shape is an ellipse.
When the shape of the Sun is round the Center of Mass (Gravity) of the Sun coincides with the center of the Sun. When the Sun is round in Figure 1 the points C and M coincide.
To demonstrate this perform the program:
When the shape of the Sun is not round then the centre of mass for the Sun is not in the middle but varies. The further away the more the centre of mass is in the centre.
For Mercury the offset (p) of the centre of mass of the Sun is equal to:
10000000 * 14.12 * oblateness p = ---------------------------- r * 0.0034
r is the distance from the center of the Sun.
The easiest way to study the influence of the shape a star on the movement of a planet is the program 3OBJECTS test 11 and 12
In test 11 the oblateness = 0 In test 12 the oblateness = 1
To observe the influence of the shape of the Sun on the movement of Mercury perform the program:
The test shows that the shape of the Sun influences the movement of
the planet Mercury.
The question of course is: what is the inner shape of the Sun?
Most probably almost round. Meaning the shape has no influence.
During the period of the famous comet crash on Jupiter from 16 July - 22 July I was able to detect one sunspot moving along its equator from the Center of the Sun to the border over a period of 7 days, giving a rotation period of 28 days. What I was also able to see was that the Equator of the Sun and the Equator of Jupiter are in the same plane (almost).
On the other hand we have to be very careful if we want to simulate
other (binary) stars or black holes.
Two parameters are very important:
All the planets influence each other.
To observe how planets each other perform the program:
What test 10 shows is that the major axis moves forward.
All the planets influence the movement of the planet Mercury but not all in the same way. The more the closer and the heavier (more mass). As a result the major axis of the planet Mercury moves forward in time.
There is one major problem with the forward movement of the planet is that this movement is highly irregular. It takes more then one century before the average forward movement can be measured accurately i.e. the error is less then 1 arc second in a century.
The reason is because the forward movement of the planet Mercury for each planet is controlled by two parameters: short cycle and the long cycle. The short cycle is a function of the time of one revolution of the planet considered. In that period Mercury will have made a certain number of revolutions. For example 2.8 revolutions.
In order to explain long cycle start from initial position that Mercury is at Aphelion and the "other" planet is as close as possible to Mercury i.e. Sun, Mercury and "other" planet are in one line. The long cycle depends when Mercury is at Aphelion and the other planet is as close as possible back to this initial position.
In the following example you can see (assuming that in 1 revolution of the planet, Mercury does 2.8 revolutions) that after 14 revolutions of Mercury the Sun, Mercury and the planet considered are back to their initial position. The long cycle is then 14 revolutions.
# of revolutions Mercury other planet 2.8 1 5.6 2 8.4 3 11.2 4 14 5
In order to measure the forward angle of Mercury accurately you must measure the position of Mercury for a certain number of long cycles and that for the planet with has the longest long cycle number (taking into account the overall influence of that planet).
The results show an average forward movement caused by the planet Venus of 289 arc seconds in one century
To observe the behaviour of Mercury and Earth perform of the Program:
The results show an average forward movement of 92.9 arc seconds in one century
To observe the behaviour of Mercury Venus and Earth perform the Program:
The results show an average forward movement of 383 arc seconds in one century
i.e. the sum of each individual planet.
To simulate all the planets is not necessary. The influence of the three
outer planets is very small.
To observe the influence of the three outer planets perform
The test shows that the forward angle of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are very
small and can be neglected.
To observe the behaviour of Mercury and all the planets perform
The results show an average forward movement of 549 arc seconds in one century
Program PLANETS assumes that all planets move in one plane. In reality
this is not true. The plane of planet Mercury is tilted and makes an angle of
7 degrees with the other planets.
To study the behaviour of Mercury and Venus perform
The results show an average forward movement of 284.8 arc seconds in one
century. This is less then the corresponding value of 289 of PLANETS.
For Mercury and Earth with PLANET3D the value is 97 and with PLANETS 92.7
For Mercury Venus and Earth the two values are 383.2 and 383 i.e. almost
To study the behaviour of Mercury and all the planets except the three
outer planets perform:
The results show an average forward movement of 562.4 arc seconds in one
century. This is more then the corresponding value of 549 of PLANETS.
and much more then the 531 arc seconds of Literature 7 page 198.
This leaves 12 arc seconds unexplained from the total of 574 arc seconds.
(Accordingly to Literature 2 page 348 this should be 43.11 +-.45 arc sec)
In paragraph 2.4 is described that all the outer planets influence Mercury
in such a way that the angle of the major axis moves forward.
The problem is that this angle is highly irregular and even after one century
of observations is very difficult to calculate.
To solve this problem it is possible to replace all the planets by one
virtual planet. This so called virtual planet moves in synchrony with Mercury
such that the Sun, Mercury and this virtual planet always move in one line.
The trajectory that this virtual planet follows is the same as Venus.
The mass of this virtual planet is a function of the distance between
Mercury and the Sun. This function is calculated in the program SUNRAD.
Perform the program:
With the virtual planets concept it now becomes very easy to simulate
different planet configurations.
To simulate the influence of Venus on Mercury perform the program:
The result is a forward angle in one century
Those results are immediate obtained after one revolution.
To simulate the influence of Venus and Earth on Mercury perform the program
The result is a forward angle in one century
To simulate the influence of all the planets on Mercury perform the program
The result is a forward angle in one century
The results are identical as described in paragraph 5 (i.e. simulation of
the real planets after one century). That means the concept of virtual
planets is a very good way to study the behaviour of planets.
And a must! in order to speed up the calculations
As explained in Chapter 4 the Sun moves around in our Galaxy
The movement of the Sun through space is described by three parameters:
The following drawing explains this.
S = Sun at loci 1
X = loci 2
B C = the line of the movement of the Sun from B towards A
S X = the major axis of the movement of Mercury.
Phi = angle between the direction of the movement of the Sun and
the major axis
Phi = 0 means Sun moves towards X
Phi = 180 means Sun moves away from X
In CHAPTER 3 is explained the speed of Gravity i.e. that Gravity does not
act instantaneous but takes time to propagate.
To study the movement of the Planet Mercury for:
perform the program:
To study the movement of the Planet Mercury
perform the program:
The importance of those two tests when you place Mercury at four different
positions around the Sun is the following:
First the forward angle is not constant. The average forward angle increases
with 550 arc seconds in one century. At phi is 90 there is a maximum and at
phi is 270 the forward angle is negative
Secondly the distance is not constant after one revolution of Mercury.
Again for phi is 90 and 270 the change is the most. At phi is 90 the change
is negative and at phi is 270 the change is positive.
This raises the question how does Mercury behave in many centuries.
In CHAPTER 4 in order to study the behaviour of the Sun the initial
conditions are modified.
To study the movement of the Planet Mercury
The result of the test are not convincing that in order to do a simulation
of Mercury that initial conditions have to be modified.
For an accurate simulation more tests have to be performed.
In order to simulate the movement of the planet Mercury proper it is
necessary to do a simulation of one complete revolution of the major
axis of Mercury and to take the whole Galaxy into account.
To study this you can use the program
In test 2 the movement of the planet is a circle.
In test 3 the movement of the planet is an ellipse.
To study the movement of the Sun in our Galaxy and Mercury around the Sun
when the speed of the galaxy is 0 km/sec
perform program:
To study the movement of the Sun in our Galaxy and Mercury around the Sun
when the speed of the galaxy is 229 km/sec
perform program:
To study the movement of the Sun in our Galaxy and Mercury around the Sun
for a long period of time perform the demonstration (figure):
The shape of the movement of the aphelion is an ellipse to the right side of
the Sun.
There is one major problem with this simulation: the time that the forward
movement is equal to 574 arc seconds is too small. (i.e. one year)
In the previous tests it is assumed that the speed of Gravity propagation
is equal to the speed of light.
To study the movement of Mercury around the Sun
The important part of those tests is that for all values of phi
(from 0 to 360) the forward angle positive is.
To study the movement of the Sun in our Galaxy and Mercury around the Sun
perform program:
The information of TEST 6C is also presented in the form of a figure.
To study the movement of the Sun in our Galaxy and Mercury around the Sun
The display shows that the aphelion of Mercury is always to the right
side of the Sun
To study the movement of the Sun in our Galaxy and Mercury around the Sun
The display shows that for the aphelion of Mercury there are two
The results of those simulations is very remarkably because it means:
Note (1):
Original was written here:
The question is which one of those three possible configurations is true.
(It cannot be b)
In the 6 figures of the above test, 5 planets were replaced by one virtual
In the following test the movement of Mercury is when Venus is replaced
with a mass 1.9 times as large
What this test shows that this method is not very accurate.
In the following test the movement of Mercury is studied influenced by 5
The test shows that the virtual planet concept is very accurate and because
of speed of the simulation improvements a must.
Return back to INDEX.TXT
..... . .....
. . .
. . .
. . Phi .
. . .
. .
. . .
. ..... .....
. .....
The results show:
a. Will stay to the right side of the Sun.
b. Mercury will collide with the Sun.
c. Will move around the Sun.
There are two additional ways to study the movement of Mercury: