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Historical Overview #7

In 1996, roughly 28 years ago I started with "My Homepage" and again it is time to give an overview of what I have done.


1. Introduction

The purpose of this document to have a phylosophical discussion of what means understanding something. In this particular case understanding the processes in the universe. How do you do that and what is involved. Remember this is mainly my personal opinion. The reader can agree or disagree. Specific if they disagree I like to here from them, such that I can learn something and adapt my opion.

IMO understanding starts with writing in a clear as possible language.
Almost immediate followed with:

Understanding starts with defining a certain set of concepts.
Almost immediate followed with:
Understanding starts with that we all agree and accept these concepts

The following text describes certain concepts in use: There exists one Universe. This Universe exists now. We humans realize that we can define a concept called time. The universe is constantly changing. Every change defines an event. All events happening now, anywhere in the universe, are happening simultaneous. The universe is not empty, in the sense that it contains objects. Objects, like the unverse, exists now. The existance of each object defines a sequence of events.

1.1 Observations

Understanding starts with observations. Observations will learn us you that there exists a day and a night. That birds can fly. The best example to understand observations is Charles Darwin when he made his observations on board the Beagle and when he travelled in South America. What he found that isolated systems have their own birds. An even more important observation was that for each insolated systems the birds were different, but comparing different isolated systems the the only conclusion was that animals have common ancesters.

To perform observations is a human conduct, which teaches us something, but performing these observations in principle should not interfer of what we are observing. That means the act of observations primarily raises questions which can be answered by performing more observations under different circumstances. Observations also require certain specific tools. For example Galilea Galileo required a telescope to observe the planet Jupiter. But with Galileo his observations through his telescope was something special involved. What Galileo saw through his telescope, where not events happening now, but events happening in the past. That means he saw the surface of Jupiter not the situation as it is now, but in an earlier epoch.
The important aspect of these tools is that you can do better observations with the emphasis that you do not want to disturb what you are observing.

1.2 Universal time

One very important issue is when you make observations of a physical event that you know the physical time of that event. To explain what is meant, it is important to go back to the concepts. It is important to agree upon that there exists now, at present, only one physical universe. This physical universe, in its totality, is constantly changing, like the planets revolving around the Sun throughout the universe. We humans have nothing to do with this. What happens in the universe at every instant are events and all these events are happening simultaneous. All these events have the same time stamp. This time stamp we call universal time. That all the events with the same time stamp are also happening simultaneous.
What is physical important that two events with the same time stamp, happening at two different locations in the universe (simultaneous), that these two events cann't influence each other.

1.3 Deterministic.

An important concept in physics is determinisme. The question in that respect is: based on observations is it possible that when you study any process in detail that that process is 'in some sense' deterministic?
The problem is I myself have a problem with this concept. IMO a concept to be of any value, should make a clear distinction between situations where this concept is applicable and situations when not. The same situation exists with concepts like absolute and relative related to observations

In order to answer the question depents on what you want. Suppose you want to know how does it come that many stars have planets. Current observations reveal that this is the case. For more detail select these links:

  2. New prospects for observing and cataloguing exoplanets in well detached binaries
  3. See page 9 of document #2: In link "Cataloque". Select: "Planets in Binary Systems". (*)
  4. BH merging. BHmerger operation.htm Select figure 2C and Figure 2D
What link #3 shows is that there are 181 binary systems, which have multiple planets. My interpretation is that the actual evolution of these binary systems, including the planets involved, starting of the moment that the stars were born, is physical completely different. Implying that the concept like determinisme does not make sense. The only thing that can be said is that all the objects (large and small) which are part of a binary system, existing now, are influenced by all the other objects in the universe, existing now, in due time.

2. Experiments

The next step to improve understanding is to perform experiments, mostly in a laboratory.
The most important aspect of an experiment is to learn the physical details of the evolution of a process or a reaction in a controlled environment, such that the same experiment can be repeated by other groups or that the same experiment can be repeated by using slightly different parameters.
For example, Laboratory experiments are the basic tool to perform the chemical reactions which are used to define the elements of the Periodic Table.

It should be mentioned that performing experiments is the best way to learn about the evolution of physical processes using all different circumstances.
It can be used for almost all chemical, biological, mechanical, medical and physical processes. The most difficult are cosmological processes.
One important step in understanding a process is to start with a more simple case and to slowly make the process more complex. Suppose you want to understand why can birds fly and secondly and what is involved for an airplane fly.

2.1 Understanding why birds can fly.

In order to understand why and how birds can fly you can start with a ballon, next a hot air ballon and finally a kite. To understand these examples will introduce new concepts.

2.2 Astronomical systems.

There are Astronomical systems in all sizes.
One of the simplest systems to study is a binary system, constisting of two stars. To study such a binary system you need a third object, which can be considered at rest and service as the origin of a coordination system. This coordination system can be used as the bassis to observe the position of both stars during a certain period.
Two types of observations are important: However in order two study astronomical systems: binary systems are to simple. Always a third object has to be included. This object will influence the binary system and make the exercise more realistic.

3. Mathematics, Equations and Laws

The third step to improve the accuracy of our understanding of the evolution of the universe and the individual processes that take place by using mathematics.
Starting point are the observations and experiments discussed previously, which give a physical explanation
Starting point of using mathematics is that we want to describe the universe and predict the future using numbers and the physical evolution of the universe and certain processes by means differential equation and difference equations.
If you want to use mathematics, the first step is to define a coordinate system. The second step is to perform measurements.

However a more philosophical issue is at stake: How important is mathematics in order to understand or explain astronomical, biological and chemical processes
All of this are physical processes. In general the answer is: not.

3.1 Our Earth

When you want to understand our Earth at present in all its details, basically what are studing are chemical processes (reactions) or biological processes. The most important issue are the chemical elements involved in these reactions and how these ellements react with each other.
For some detail select:
In order to understand these reactions no mathematics is involved.
If you want to understand the evolution of these processes in order to control these processes than mathematics can be used. To describe how these processes evolve in time, differential equations are used. To solve these equations La place transformations are used, i.e. mathematics. This is the area of what is called process control. For more detail select this link:

3.2 The universe

For the Universe, in its totality, a whole other situation exists. What we want are three things:
First we want to understand what the present situation of the whole of the universe looks like. Where are all the galaxies and all the stars
Secondly we want to understand the past of the universe i.e. how the universe evolved from the past into the present; specific the past of the Sun.
Thirdly we want to understand the future of the universe i.e how the universe will evolve including what will happen with the Sun.

However if you want to understand the universe you must study the universe in its totality, as a complete chemical process, consisting of objects of all different sizes, which float in space, which influence each other but completely independent of human behaviour. What we humans observe is not the actual physical reality, neither are we capable to observe the physical reality.
For example, what we can observe, what is called length contraction. Length contraction can happen when observe the two ends of a straight rod. This involves two light signals, one from each end. Length contraction can happen when a rod moves "straight away" from an observer. In that case what the observer at each instant sees (simultaneous) are two lightsignals: one from the front and one from the back. The 'problem' is that these signals (events) are not generated simultaneous. The one from the front is generated earlier compared with the one from the back. The one from the front has to travel a longer path, this extra length is the length of the rod. All of that means what the observer sees is a shorter length than the actual length.
Something similar can happen when the rod moves straight towards us. In that case what we observe is length expansion.
When the speed of light is infinite and when the front of the rod reaches us, or touches us, at that same moment we also will observe the back of the rod. This implies that we see both ends of the rods simultaneous. That also means, we don't observe any length expansion.
When the speed of light is twice the speed of the rod the above is not true. When the front touches us, it takes a certain amount of time for a lightsignal from the back to reaches our eyes. That means the light signal from the front we observe comes from an earlier moment. This implies that the rod seems longer.

3.3 The understanding universe

As mentioned above understanding the universe requires to consider the universe in its totally. Starting point is to assume that there is a present. This implies that we also assume all over the universe the time is the same. From a physical point of view this implies that all events happening any where in the universe are happening simultaneous and cannot influence each other i.e. these simulataneous events.
To understand the universe it is important to define the present, the past and the future. As mentioned the present defines all the events which are happening now. The past are all the events that have happened previous, before the present and the future are all the events that will happen later, after the present.
All the present events can influence each other, are the cause of future events and are caused by past events. There are two types of influences: The first are by direct contact between different materials. This type is most important on earth and in all chemical reactions. The second type are called forces and are between objects at a distance. The two most important forces are electromagnetic forces and the force of gravity. Electric force are caused by negative charged electrons and is propagated by the speed of light. The magnetic force is caused by magnetic material and is also propagatic by the speed of light. The force of gravity is caused by baryonic matter (protons, electrons and neutrons) and is assumed to be propagated by gravitons. The force of gravity propagates by the speed of gravity which is considered to be identical as the speed of light, but physically is completely different. To write this different: the movement of objects through space has nothing to do with the speed of light except in some rare situations (Northern Light) were there are electromagnetic processes are occuring.

In order to understand the universe no mathematics is required except if you want to predict the future.
However there are more interesting issues to discuss. Understanding of the Universe involves chemical reactions which take place inside the objects. One type of reactions are collisions. The general rule is: What existed before the reaction (or collision) also exist after the reaction, but the type of elements involved can be different. A special type of reaction (or collision) where two atoms are involved or between an atom and an elementary particle. To investigate these reactions you have to perform them multiple times and observe what is created. In fact when you have performed identical reactions many times you know what you can expect (as the result of the reaction) and you also know in each case, if something is missing.
In some reactions what is created are electron's and the spin's are correclated. That means when one is detected as being in the +x direction, the other can be predicted in -x direction. And if this correlation can be established at a distance of 1 m or 100 m, there is nothing special involved. The simplest answer is that this correlation is established as part of the reaction. To claim that the correlation is established when the particles are measured is rather strange. The explanation is than that there exists some type of physical link between the two correlated (or entangled) particles and that is physical more incomprehanddeble).

A whole different subject is Uncertainty Principle. Does it make sense? As I already mentioned, all objects in the universe are influenced by all other objects; by forces. To understand the cause of these natural forces and to understand what the results of these natural phenomena is important and difficult. The question can than be raised how important is the uncertainty principle (With basically discusses human limitations, by performing measurements) within these issues. IMO zero. The problem is, in general, if a human being wants to measure any thing, the object or the state of the object is m odified. That means if someone wants two measure two parameters the errors increase.

When you want to simulate Newton's Law the original differential equations are replaced by difference equations. What that means, is that you start from the initial positions of all the objects in the universe at moment tn. That is the present position. You save these positions and you calculate the speed of all these objects. This requires also all the previous positions. Next you calculate the new positions of all objects and then these become the present positions. (more or less)
The point is that the universe also evolves more or less in this way, but not so much discontinuous or step wise, but more in a continuous way. That means the present positions of the whole of the universe physically changes continuously How ever there is one basic problem: Objects (events) influence nearby objects almost immediatly, but for events at large distances of certain objects, to influence these far away objects, takes time. The best way is to study a binary system. Each object is not influenced by the present position of the other object, but by its position in the past. Newton did not include this propagation issue.

STR and GTR introduced a whole new approach. One main problem is that STR uses a clock while Newton's mechanics more or less assumed that the time in his universe, which was more or less the solar system, was based on one central/universal clock. Remember that resembles very much the physical world operates: there is no physical clock. The solar system is stable by itself.
The problem starts as soon when you start to introduce physical clocks, because allmost by definition all the physical clocks run different and are influenced by all type of forces. Synchronisation of these clocks is also a difficult physical issue.

But there are more issues. In Newton's mechanics there is generally speaking no, or only one observer. In GTR almost every object becomes an observer, being at rest within its own reference frame.

3.4 Time & Space travelling.

Consider an virtual astronaut who can travel trough the universe in a virtual space ship at ultrasonic speed much faster than the speed of light. His basestation is our Earth. The virtual astronaut performs 4 experiments
When you compare these 4 experiments they are more or less the same. The distance between the object in the center is different, but the object can always be observed. That means the object continuously creates light photons and these photons are emitted in a sphere. What this also means is that the whole sphere around the origin is filled with photons. That also means that this sphere is not empty.
Experiment 4 is the most exited, specific when you are in the space ship and you turn your head in all directions, you will see stars. That will mean that the whole of the universe is not empty. Implying 'space' is not empty.
In experiment 2 the virtual astronaut observes one central star against a 'background' of other stars. Important is, that this background of futher away stars, is slowly changing when the astronaut moves around the star in the center. Also it is important to realise that light from these stars, observed as points, are in fact photons travelling in each case, as straight line to the observer. In reality the situation is more complex. In reality there are more or less 2D vertical planes of photons travelling towards your eyes, creating a 3D flow. General speaking only a very small part of each plane reaches your eyes. All the other photons, follow their path, undisturbed.
A special case is when a different object in the foreground approaches the path of light ray of the central star. But that description is too simple. In fact the approaching object influences all the 2D planes travelling towards you. That is a rather complex situation. To replace the lightray by a single object travelling towards you is doubtful not the correct solution. Subject still to discuss.

3.4.1 Gravity considerations.

Specific in experiment 4, when the virtaul astraunant, travels around the Andromeda galaxy, he can conclude that the Galaxy emits photons in all directions, while at each moment he receives light from all different directions. His conclusion will be that all of space surrounding him, is not empty, but filled with photons.
However the same conclusion can also be reached, considering the force of gravity, considering gravitons: His space ship is influenced (is attracted) in all directions by galaxies surrounding him. And if his space is a massive object it will influence (will attract) all the stars in the galaxies surrounding him. His conclusion will be that all of space surrounding him, is not empty, but filled with gravitons.
What this means to me in general that the universe is the same in all directions and that in general all communications (influences) follow straight lines.
That does not mean that all these influences act instantaneous, as Newton Mechanics assumed, but are a function of distance.
The communication in straight lines is more apparent with Gravity as with eletromagnetic radiation i.e. light.

3.5 Position observer in Schrödingers cat experiment.

When you want to perform almost any chemical or biological experiment, humans can perform the experiment or they can be observers, but they are not a part of the experiment. In the case of a medical experiment, humans can be part of an experiment, as a patient.
In the case of the Schrödingers cat experiment, the cat has a chance to be poissened. In that case the state of the cat will change from in the beginning: being alive, to dying, to dead. Being dead is the final state.
The problem is that the quantum theory does not completely agree with this. Accordingly to the quantum theory, when you perform this experiment behind closed doors and the final result is not observed, than the final state of the experiment is considered: that the cat is in a super position state of both being alive, dying and being dead. Only when you open the doors and look inside the final state collapses to being either: alive, or dying or dead.
IMO this is strange because the observer has nothing to do with the experiment as such.

3.6 The Big Bang and Inflation theory

IMO both the Big Bang theory and the Inflation theory have nothing to do with mathematics.
My understanding is that the Big Bang theory has to do with with the chemical evolution of the first 300000 years after the birth of the Universe. See "The Big Bang" by Josph Silk chapter 8 "The Primeval Fireball emerges" page 151.
The Inflation theory is described in chapter 6 "The first Millisecond" at page 109 of that book. The problems are discussed at page 122.
My understanding of what happened after the Big Bang is that both the density of the universe and the temperature decreased and the size (slowly) increased. It should be mentioned that this increase is roughly with 3 times the speed of light.
The central problem with the inflation theory is: How is it physical possible that all of a sudden(?) every where(?) the size of universe drastically increased (for a small period) and then stopped? These physical effects are very difficult to explain. What is the cause?
Created: 3 April 2024
Updated: 2 May 2024 Back to my home page Index