Nature Articles

In the following "essays" articles in Nature are discussed:
  1. Dark matter and dark energy In this essay of 2 April 2009 the concept of Dark matter and Dark Energy are challenged.
  2. The solar System's extended shelf life In this essay of 11 June 2009 the simulations of possible collision trajectories between the inner planets leading to chaos are discussed.
  3. Gone with the wind . In this essay of 14 January 2010 the CDM theory is challenged to explain galaxy formation.
  4. Quantum Computing . In this essay of 28 January 2010 the state of the art in Quantum Computers is discussed.
  5. Quantum Computers . In this essay of 3 March 2010 the state of the art in Quantum Computer hardware is discussed.
  6. Guaranteed Randomness & Random numbers certified by Bell's theorem. In both articles of 15 April 2010 problems with true random numbers are discussed.
  7. "Embracing an uncertain future" A history of climate modelling shows that forecasts that acknowledge uncertainty will be the way forward, argues Myles Allen. Comments about the 1 July 2010 book review: "A Vast Machine: Computer Models, Climate Data, and the politics of Global Warming" by Paul N. Edwards" .
  8. Is dark energy really a mystery ? In this essay of 15 July 2010 the concept of Dark Energy is challenged by Eugenio and Carlo Rovelli on one side versus Rocky Kolb at the other side.
  9. Data teleportation: The quantum space race ? This News & Views in Nature Vol 552 5 December 2012, by Zeeya Merali starts with the following sentence: "Fierce rivals have joined forces in the race to teleport information to and from space".
  10. Globally networked risks and how to respond In this overview of 2 May 2013 strongly connected, global networks are discussed by Dirk Helbing.
  11. Oversimplifying quantum factoring In this document of 11 July 2013 implementation constraints of Shor's Algorithm are discussed.
  12. Quantum Quest In this document of 12 September 2013 the solution over the paradoxes of Quantum Theory are discussed. Now a few of them are trying to reinvent it.
  13. Packet man Book review by Graham Farmelo (delights in study of Albert Einstein's contribytions to quantum theory) of the book "Einstein and the Quantum: The Quest of the Valiant Swabian". By A. Douglas Stone.
  14. Black holes shrink but endure In this document of 31 October 2013 the concept that Blackholes completely evaporate, is challenged.
  15. QBism puts the scientist back into science In this document of 27 March 2014 the advantage of QBism to explain "Quantum Mechanics" (action at a distance) and "the Now" are explained
  16. The ultimate physical limits of privacy In this document of 27 March 2014 secure cryptographic key generating is discussed using entangled photons based on quantum mechanics
  17. Big Bang blunder bursts the multiverse bubble In this article of 3 June 2014 by Paul Steinhardt the supposed detection of gravity waves are discussed. Gravity waves are the proof that the Inflation theory is correct.
    A critical evalution of the Book "The Inflationary Universe" by Alan H Guth is also discussed.
  18. Bell's theorem still reverberates In this "Comment" of 26 June 2014: Fifty years ago, John Bell made metaphysics testable, but quantum scientist still dispute the implications. Howard Wiseman proposes a way forward.
  19. Quantum Computer Quest In this article of 4 December 2014 by Elizabeth Gibney the present state as of 2014 is discussed. Not much progress is made. "We are somewhere between the invention of the transistor and the invention of the integrated circuit"
  20. Defend the integrity of Physics In this article of 18/25 December 2014 George Ellis and Joe Silk argue that: Attempts to exempt speculatieve theories of the Universe from experimental verification undermine science.
  21. Quantum ‘spookiness’ passes toughest test yet In this article of 27 August 2015 Zeeya Merali argues that: Experiment plugs loopholes in previous demonstrations of 'action at a distance', against Einstein's objections — and could make data encryption safer.
  22. Encryption faces quantum foe In this article of 10 September 2015 Chris Cesare argues that: Researchers urge readiness against attacks from future-generation computers.
  23. Death by experiment for local realism In this "News and View"article of 29 October 2015 Howard Wiseman gives an introduction of an experiments that demonstrates faster than light signals.
  24. Loophole-free Bell inequality violation using electron spins separated by 1.3 kilometers In this "Letter" article of 29 October 2015 B Hensen e.a. argue that: the concept locality is wrong, Einstein was wrong in this case and that faster than lightsignals are possible.
  25. Physicists split by Hawking paper In this "News in focus" article of 28 January 2016 David Castelvecchi argues: Some welcome his latest report as afresh way to solve a BH conundrum; others are unsure of its merits.
  26. Quantum world may be intuitive In this "News" article of 14 April 2016 at page 160 Elizabeth Gibney arques: A computer game suggests that the human mind is adept at grasping the bizarre laws of quantum mechanics
  27. Quantum problems solved through games In this "Research" article of 14 April 2016 at page 184 by Sabrina Maniscalco arques: Humans are better than computers at performing certain tasks because of their intuition and superior visual processing.
  28. Exploring the quantum speed limit with computer games In this "Letter" article of 14 April 2016 Jens Jakob W.H. Sorenson et al arque: Here we report on Quantum Moves, an online platform gamifying optimization problems in quantum physics.
  29. Good data are not enough In this "Comment" article of 3 November 2016 Avi Loeb arques: A vibrant scientific culture encourages many interpretations of evidence.
  30. Quantum cloud goes commercial In this "News" article of 9 March 2017 Davide Castelvecchi arques: IBM plans a system aimed at creating a market for the still-immature technology: Quantum Experience
  31. A World without cause and effect In this "News" article of 27 June 2017 Phill Ball arques: Logic-defying experiments into quantum causality scramble the notion of time itself
  32. Witness gravity's quantum side in the lab In this "Comment" article of 13 July 2017 Chiara Marletto and Vlatko Vedral arques: Physicists should rethink interference experiments to reveal whether or not general relativity follows classical theory
  33. Programming languages and compiler design for realistic hardware In this "Review" article of 14 September 2017 Fredric T.Chong, Diana Franklin & Margret Martonosi argue: Quantum computing sits at an important inflection point.
  34. Quantum machine learning In this "Review" article of 14 September 2017 Jacob Biamonte, Peter Wittek, Nicola Pancotti, Patrick Rebentrost, Nathan Wiebe & Seth Lloyd argue: Fuelled by increasing computer power and algorithmic advances, machine learning techniques have become powerful tools for finding patterns in data.
  35. Quantum-teleportation experiments turn 20 In this "News and Views" article of 7 December 2017 Nicolas Gisin argues: In 1997, it was demonstrated that quantum states can be teleported from one location to a distant one. The discovery had huge consequences for the development of quantum communication and computing
  36. The entangled Web In this "News and Views" article of 14 February 2018 David Castelvecchi argues: Networks that harness entanglement and teleportation could enable leaps in security, computing and science.
  37. Challenging local realism with human choices In this "News and Views" article of 10 May 2018 The Big Bell Test Callaboration explains: The observed correlations strongly contradict local realism and other realistic positions in bipartite and tripartite scenarios.
  38. Quantum Gravity: What is Spacetime? In this "Inside" article of 10 May 2018 George Musser argues: Physicists believe that at the tiniest scale, space emerges from quanta. What might these building blocks look like?
  39. Special relativity validated by neutrino's In this "News and Views" article of 16 August 2018 Matthew Mewes argues: Neutrinos are tiny, ghost-like particles that habitually change identity. A measurement of the rate of change in high-energy neutrinos racing through Earth provides a record-breaking test of Einstein’s special theory of relativity.
  40. Quantum puzzle baffles physicists In this "News and Views" article of 27 September 2018 Davide Castelvecchi argues: New twist on thought experiment yields conflicting results.
  41. Can a major AI conference shed its reputation for hosting sexist behaviour? In this "News and Views" article of 27 November 2018 Holly Else argues: The Neural Information Processing Systems meeting is trying to be more inclusive, but a recent survey reveals there is a long way to go.
  42. Machine learning comes up against unsolvable problem In this "News and Views" article of 17 January 2019 Davide Castelvecchi argues: Researchers run into a logical paradox discovered by famed mathematician Kurt Gödel.
  43. A singing, dancing Universe In this Comment "Spring books" article of 18 Aprill 2019 Jon Butterworth enjoys a celebration of mathematics - led theoretical physics.
    The book reviewed is: The Universe Speaks in Numbers: How Modern Maths Reveals Nature's Deepest Secrets by Graham Farmelo.
  44. The 'Spookiness'of quantum physics could be incalculable In this "News in focus" article of 23 January 2020 Davide Castelvecchi argues: Proof at the nexus of pure mathematics puts 'quantum weirdness' on a new level
  45. When quantum physics met psychiatry This is a "Book Review" of 27 August 2020 by Anil Ananthaswany. The book reviewed is: "Synchronicity: The epic Quest to understand Quantum Nature of Cause and Effect" by Paul Halpern. The book is about Carl Jung and Wolfgang Pauli
  46. Comments about: How researchers are addressing the racial imbalance in multiple myeloma 25 November 2020, by Matthew M. Hedman
  47. Prestigious AI meeting takes steps to Improve Ethics of research In this "News and view" article of 7 Januari 2021 Davide Castelvecchi argues: "For the first time, the organizers of NeurIPS required speakers the social impact of their work."
  48. Shedding squeezed light on darkmatter In this "News and view" article of 11 February 2021 Igor G. Irastorza. argues: "Hypothetical particles called axions could constitute dark matter - the unseen component of the Universe"
  49. The language machines In this "Article" of 3 March 2021 Matthew Hutson argues: A remarkable AI can write like humans — but with no understanding of what it’s saying.
  50. An autonomous debating system In this "Article" of 18 March 2021 Noam Slonim e.a. argue: The development of computational argumentation technologies is therefore an important emerging disipline in AI research. Here we present Project Debater, an autonomous debating system that can engage in a competitive debat with humans.
  51. Long-awaited muon physics experiment nears moment of truth In this "News in Focus" document of 1 April 2021 Davide Castelvecchi argues: Results could reveal the existence of new particles, and upend fundamental physics
  52. Thrill of magnetic moment This "News and Views" of 6 May 2021 by Harvey B Meyer starts with the sentence: A new first-principle computation of the effect that creates most uncertainty in calculations of magnetic moment of a muon particle has been reported.
  53. Cooperative AI: machines must learn to find common ground This "Comment" of 6 May 2021 by Allan Dafoe ea starts with the sentence: To help humanity solve fundamental problems of cooperation, scientists need to reconceive AI as deeply social.
  54. How Covid Broke the Evidence Pipeline This "Feature" of 13 May 2021 by Helen Pearson argues: The pandemic stress-tested the way the world produces evidence - and revealed all the flaws.
  55. The data-driven future of high energy density physics This "Perspective" of 20 May 2021 by Peter W Hatfield ea argues: That machine learning models and data-driven methods are in the process of reshaping our exploration of these extreme systems that have hitherto proved far too nonlinear for human researchers.
  56. First quantum computer to pack 100 qubits enters crowded race This 19 November 2021
  57. Quantum theory and the square root of minus one This "News and Views" article of 23 December 2021 by William K. Wooters. ea argues: Standard quantum theory contains square roots of negative numbers. But how essential are these ‘imaginary’ numbers?
  58. Quantum theory based on real numbers can be experimental falsified This article of 23 December 2021 by Renou et al argues: Although complex numbers are essential in mathematics, they are not needed to describe physical experiments, as those are expressed in terms of probabilities, hence real numbers.
  59. A holographic Wormhole in a Quantum-computer News and Views of 1 December 2022: A system of nine quantum bits has been used to simulate a state known as a holographic wormhole, a concept that features in attempts to reconcile quantum mechanics with the general theory of relativity.
  60. Did Physisist create a Wormhole in a Quantum computer News and views of 1 December 2022 by Davide Castelvecchi: An unusual teleportation experiment uses ordinary quantum physics, but was inspired by tunnels in an exotic 'toy universe'.
  61. Are quantum computers about to break online privacy News and views 12 January 2023 by Davide Castelvecchi: A new algorithm is probably not efficient enough to crack current encryption keys - but that's no reason for complacency, researchers say.
  62. nature 12 January 2023 Are-quantum-computers-about-to-break-online-privacy.htm News 06 January 2023 By Davide Castelvecchi : A new algorithm is probably not efficient enough to crack current encryption keys — but that’s no reason for complacency, researchers say. <1-- nature 12 January 2023 Colliding-neutron-stars-ring-in-a-clue-to-puzzle-of-extreme-matter.htm Nature Review -->
  63. The promise and peril of Generative AI News Feature 9 February 2023 By Chris Stokel-Walker : Researchers are excited but apprehensive about the latest advances in artificial intelligence.
  64. A planetary ring in a surprising place News 9 February 2023 By Matthew M. Hedman: An object in the distant Solar System has been shown to have a ring that is unusually far from its host — prompting speculation about how the ring material has avoided clumping together to form moons.
  65. ChatGPT. five priorities for research Comment 9 February 2023 By Eva A.M.van Dis : Conversational AI is a game-changer for science. Here's how to respond.
  66. Silence, escape and survival drive the persistence of HIV News and views 9 February 2023 By Nicolas Chomont : Sophisticated experimental approaches reveal cellular and immune-system mechanisms that enable rare HIV-infected cells to persist for decades in people who are taking antiretroviral drugs.
  67. AI weapons. Russia's war in Ukraine shows why the world must enact a ban 23 February 2023 Conflict pressures are pushing the world closer to autonomous weapons that can kill without human control. Researchers and the international community must join forces to prohibit them.
  68. Bright black holes and neutron stars beat alike News and Views 2 March 2023 By Emrah Kalemci: Multi-wavelength observations of radiation from a bright neutron-star system show signatures similar to that of a black-hole binary, suggesting that the accretion mechanism is the same for all such sources at high luminosities.
  69. In AI, is bigger always better? News and Views 9 March 2023 by Anil Ananthaswamy: As generative AI models grow larger and more powerful, some scientists advocate for leaner, more energy-efficient systems.
  70. Chatbots shouldn’t use emojis News and Views 16 March 2023 by Carissa Veliz: Artificial intelligence that can manipulate our emotions is a scandal waiting to happen.
  71. A compelling explanation for an enigmatic object News and Views 16 March 2023 by Marco Micheli: Seemingly contradictory observations of the first known interstellar object are reconciled in a model that presents a physically realistic framework for understanding the object’s many peculiarities.
  72. Black holes up close Perspective 16 March 2023 by Ramesh Narayan & Eliot Quataert: Recent developments have ushered in a new era in the field of black-hole astrophysics, providing a direct view of the remarkable environment near black-hole event horizons.
  73. Combining data and theory for derivable scientific discovery with AI-Descartes by Petr W. Hatfield e.a.
  74. The race to find quantum computing's sweet spot Spotlight 25 May 2023 by : Michael Brooks. For now, absolutely nothing. But researchers and firms are optimistic about the applications.
  75. AI learns to write sorting software on its own by Jean-Baptiste Mouret.
  76. Evidence for the utility of quantum computing before fault tolerance by Youngseok Kim e.a.
  77. Double trouble: two slits, many questions Books & Arts 15 June 2023 by : Anil Ananthaswamy. Thomas Young’s double-slit experiment originally served to prove that light is a wave — but later quantum versions have made for a much fuzzier picture.
  78. Comments about: IBM quantum computer passes calculation milestone by Davide Castelvecchi
  79. How to introduce quantum computers without slowing economic growth by Chander Velu & Fathiro H.R. Putra
  80. ChatGPT is a black box: how AI research can break it open by Editorial
  81. Conflicting vision for AI Regulation by Matthew Hutson
  82. A test of artificial intelligence by Petr W. Hatfield e.a.
  83. How AlphaFold and other AI tools could help us prepare for the next pandemic by Ewen Callaway
  84. An AI revolution is brewing in medicine. What will it look like? by Mariana Lenharo
  85. The new Twitter is changing rapidly — study it before it’s too late by Mike Caulfield e.a.
  86. ChatGPT generates fake data set to support scientific hypothesis by Miryam Naddaf
  87. IBM releases first-ever 1,000-qubit quantum chip by Davide Castelvecchi
  88. Does quantum theory imply the entire Universe is preordained? by Eddy Keming Chen
  89. AI consciousness: scientists say we urgently need answers by Mariana Lenharo.
  90. Large language models help computer programs to evolve by Jean-Baptiste Mouret
  91. Mathematical discoveries from program search with large language models by Bernardino Rolmera-Paredes e.a.
  92. Black-hole observations solve cosmic-ray mystery by Davide Castelvechi
  93. Contact-tracing app predicts risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission by Justus Benzler
  94. Mobile atoms power up logical qubits Advertisement
  95. Science and government: can the power struggle ever end? by Rhona Mijumbi
  96. The new car batteries that could power the electric vehicle revolution by Nicola Jones
  97. Culture wars are raging on US campuses. Will they affect research? by Emma Harris
  98. This AI learnt language by seeing the world through a baby’s eyes by Elizabeth Gibney
  99. Quantum computers shoot for the moon Advertisement
  100. Cosmologist Claudia de Rham on falling for gravity by Davide Castelvecchi
  101. 'Shut up and calculate': how Einstein lost the battle to explain quantum reality by Jim Baggott

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Created: 22 January 2010
Modified: 9 January 2016
Modified: 6 May 2016
Modified: 4 July 2017
Modified: 26 May 2018
Modified: 28 May 2021

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