How does Gravity propagate ?
This program shows the apparent (virtual) position an object:
- when Sound is considered.
- when Electromagnetic is considered
- when Gravity is considered.
During the simulation you can select the following keys.
- Right key: To move the angle of movement of the object clock wise.
- Left key: To move the angle of movement of the object counter clock wise.
- Up key: To increase the speed of the object.
- Down key: To decrease the speed of the object.
- Esc key: To stop the simulation
The display shows:
- The Observer at the present position identified with the letter O
- The present position and direction of movement of the Object identified with a white arrow.
- The virtual position of the Object is identified in a circle of dots, as:
- White dots - when sound is considered
- Magenta dots - when electromagnetic force is considered.
- Yellow dots - when gravity is considered.
Program: VIRTUAL.BAS source
In order to retrieve the source select:VIRTUAL.BAS
To see the program listing select:VIRTUAL.HTM
Execution file select: VIRTUAL.EXE and: brun45.exe
Technical Data
- The virtual position of an object is the position of the object a time t ago.
- For simplicity in this simulation it is assumed that the object moves in a straight line.
- The time t is equal to time for the disturbance to reach the observer.
- The disturbance moves in sphere with as centre the position where the object was a time t ago.
From the point of view of the observer the disturbance moves in a straight line.
- The speed of the disturbance for sound, electromagnetic and gravity, in this simulation, is considered to be different.
Last modified: 9 September 1996
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