Program 18: Big Bang simulation

Introduction and Purpose

The purpose of the program QBasic BIGBANG.BAS is to demonstrate:
  1. The Big Bang in a simple linear world model.
    The model assumes that the speed of light is not influenced by the expanding space.
  2. That the expansion speed of space is a function of distance.
  3. That the observed age of a galaxy is a function of distance. How further away how younger.
  4. That the youngest observed galaxy is a function of expansion rate (multiple times c)
For a copy and a description of "the same" program in Visual Basic 5.0 or Visual Studio 2010 select:
Visual Basic Big Bang simulation program "VB BigBang.exe" and "VB2010 BigBang.exe
This program also simulates Milne's Universe.
For a general introduction to world models select this: 3 World models

To get a copy select: BIGBANG.BAS
To see the listing of the program select: BIGBANG.HTM
Execution file select: BIGBANG.EXE and: brun45.exe

Program Operation

The program demonstrates the Big Bang over a period of 15 b year subdivided in periods of 1 b year by means of 150 galaxies or clocks. The 150 galaxies are randomly scatered over the Universe. The Observer is at the centre. Each BillionYear is identified by a different colour.

Input for the program is the expansion factor of Space.
The expansion rate of the Universe is equal to the expansion factor times c (speed of light).

Program Description

                                  / |
                                 /  |
                                /   |
                               /    |
                              /     |
                             /      |
                            /       |
                           /        |
                          /         |
                         /          |
                        /           |
                       /            |
                      /             |
                     /              |
                    /               |
                   /                C
                  /               . |
        e        /              .   |
          .     /             .     |
            .  /            .       |
              d           .         |
             /| .       .           |
            / |   .   .             |
           /  |     c               |
          /   |   . | .             A
         /    | .   |   .      .    |
        /     .     |     a         |
       /    . |     |.    | .       |
      /   .   | .   |     |   .     |
     /  .   . |     |     |     .   |
    / .       |     |     |       . |
   0          5     8    11        16
The sketch left demonstrates how the program operates.
  1. Suppose that expansion factor is 2c.
  2. The line BB-O is the time axis t
  3. The line OACD is the x axis.
  4. The line BB-D represents is the line x=2t. This is the radius of the world model.
  5. The line BB-C represents the the path of a galaxy at a factor p from the radius with p between 0 and 1.
    The line BB-C is represented by the equation x=2*p*t
  6. The line oacde is the linecone through O.
    This line is represented in this case by x=16-t.
    In general x=age-t
  7. The time of point d is calculated as 2t = 16 - t
    or 3t = 16 or t = age/3
  8. The time of point c is calculated as 2pt = 16 - t
    or 2pt + t = age or t = age /(2p+1)
  9. The distance is for point c is equal to 2p*age*c / (2p+1)



Created:29 December 2001
Modified: 15 July 2004
Modified: 5 Februari 2014

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