When they meet, both clocks are not equal, A's clock has advanced the most i.e. A is the oldest.
In order to explain the behaviour of the clocks, Special Relativity is used and the formula: T2 = T1 * SQR(1-vē/cē)
Using that formula A can explain the Behaviour of B's clock, which has a relative velocity of v, but also B can explain the behaviour of A's clock, which has the same relative velocity v.
The result will be that both A will claim that B's clock will run slower and B will claim that A's clock will run slower (with equal amounts).
This is a contradiction i.e. a paradox.
At A's side At B's side A B' A" B A' B"A is A's clock. B' is B's clock transmitted. A" is A's clock 2 times transmitted (via B)
What B sees is:
In order to make this visible, a simulation in the form of a program in Quick Basic, is supplied.
To get a copy select:TWIN.BAS
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