Comments about "Consciousness" in Wikipedia

This document contains comments about the article Consciousness in Wikipedia
In the last paragraph I explain my own opinion.




The article starts with the following sentence.

1. Etymology

2 Dictionary definitions

3. Philosophy of mind

3.1 The coherence of the concept

3.2 Types of consciousness

3.3 Mind–body problem

3.4 Problem of other minds

3.5 Animal consciousness

3.6 Artifact consciousness

7 Role in quantum mechanics

Consciousness may have a determinative role in quantum mechanics.
The field of Consiousness and Quantum Mechanics have nothing in common. See Reflection 1 - Quantum Mechanics
Since consciousness is the primary aspect of an observer, and observation is sometimes viewed as a primary reason for apparent wave function collapse
Consiousness is part of the human brain, but that does not mean that any human activity involves any interaction with the outside world.
The wave function is typical part of a mathematical description of the certain phenomena or process. When we measure we interfere with these processes, but that has 'nothing' to do with our consiousness.
consciousness may account for aspects of the measurement problem exemplified by the Schrödinger's cat paradox.
Consciousness has nothing to do with the Schrödinger's cat paradox. The Schrödinger's cat paradox involves the evolution of a process reaction which happens behind closed door, invisible to the observer. The result of the reaction is a physical stated fact and has nothing to do with any observer nor with the consiousness of the observer. The reaction can involve the state of specific elementary particles, which is within the area of quantum mechanics, which implies that the Schrödinger cat paradox is part of quantum mechanics, but consiousness definite not.

8. Spiritual approaches

9. See also

Following is a list with "Comments in Wikipedia" about related subjects

Reflection 1 - Quantum Mechanics

Generally speaking Quantum Mechanics, that means the behaviour of elementary particles, and Consiousness, that means the fact that we humans, each, is aware of him or her self, has nothing to do with each other.
In fact this are processes of complete different scales.
As mentioned Quantum Mechanics studies the behaviour, interrelations and interferences of elementary particles including quarks. Counsiousness involves processes almost within our brains. In our brains many processes take place, of which consiousness is one, and in all these processes elementary particles are involved. In fact millions of elementary particles are involved in communication between the individual nerve cells, which make up our brains.
However when we study or investigate Consiousness or any other issue of the brain, never an individual elementary particle, atom or molecule is studied, but always a collection of many.


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Created: 11 January 2019

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