Comments about "N-body problem" in Wikipedia

This document contains comments about the article N-body problem in Wikipedia
In the last paragraph I explain my own opinion.




The article starts with the following sentence.
In physics, the n-body problem is the problem of predicting the individual motions of a group of celestial objects interacting with each other gravitationally.
In physics, the n-body problem is the problem of predicting the individual motions of a group of celestial objects interacting with each other and using Newton's Law.
The n-body problem in general relativity is considerably more difficult to solve due to additional factors like time and space distortions.
The n-body problem solution using general relativity is considerably more difficult because the solution is more acurate compared with the solution using Newton's Law.

1. History

2. General formulation

3. Special cases

3.1 Two-body problem

3.2 Three-body problem

3.3 Four-body problem

3.4 Planetary problem

3.5 Central configurations

3.6 n-body choreography

4. Analytic approaches

4.1 Power series solution

4.2 A generalized Sundman global solution

4.3 Singularities of the n-body problem

There can be two types of singularities of the n-body problem:
The problem is that in real live there can be collisions between two objects, but there never happens something which mathematical is called a singularity. The reason is that objects always have a size. That means the pointlike bodies can never have identical positions.
To bypass this situation, certain steps have to be taken before this situation happens to reduce the problem from a n-body problem to a n-1-body problem, to merge two objects.

5. Simulation

5.1 Few bodies

5.2 Many bodies

5.3 Strong gravitation

6. Other n-body problems

7. See also

Following is a list with "Comments in Wikipedia" about related subjects

Reflection 1 Comparing Newton's Law with Einstein's Law.

The N-body problem tries to solve or predict the future or positions of a set of masses or pointsize objects.
In general there are two theories to use: Newton's Law or Einstein's Law.

Reflection 2

Reflection 3


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Created: 31 July 2021

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