Comments about "Quantum entanglement" in Wikipedia

This document contains comments about the article "Quantum entanglement" in Wikipedia
In the last paragraph I explain my own opinion.




General note: To understand and evaluate the document is difficult because the difference between correlated and entangled is not explained.
The article starts with the following sentence.
Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated or interact in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the others, even when the particles are separated by a large distance—instead, a quantum state must be described for the system as a whole.
This sentence is not clear. Part of the problem is that what is meant with quantum state of a particle and most of all with the quantum state as a whole.
. It should be mentioned that in almost all systems consisting of objects which influence each other by means of forces it is almost impossible to establish the state of each object simultaneous. Simulataneous meaning at the same instant in time. State meaning the position and velocity in 3D. See also: conflict
Measurements of physical properties such as position, momentum, spin, and polarization performed on entangled particles can, in some cases, be found to be perfectly correlated.
It should be mentioned that the meaning of the word entangled is not explained. It should be mentioned that to measure the momentum of any object (which involves the measurement of mass and v) requires many measurements. To make all this easier to understand, the concept: "in some cases", should be better explained.
For example, if a pair of entangled particles is generated such that their total spin is known to be zero, and one particle is found to have clockwise spin on a first axis, then the spin of the other particle, measured on the same axis, is found to be anticlockwise.
IMO the only way to create two particles in a closed system with the possibilty that the total spin is zero is that when one particle rotates clockwise and the other particle counterclockwise
With a closed system is meant that the two particles influence each other by means of forces.
The question is how is the spin of one particle measured. When the spin of one particle is measured and disturbed then the second particle is also disturbed. This makes it impossible to measure the original spin of the second particle and as such the total spin.
However, this behavior gives rise to seemingly paradoxical effects: any measurement of a particle's properties results in an apparent and irreversible wave function collapse of that particle and changes the original quantum state.
This sentence demonstrates one important problem: In one sentence you should not use both concepts: particles and wave function.
There exist no paradox: any measurement of a particle in a closed system influences the state (position) of that particle which in turn influences the state (positions) of all the other particles. That is the physical reality. A closed system in this case is an atom.
This situation is more or less also discussed at the section at the beginning of this document: See:
This means that if, for example, we know the spin along the x axis, and we then measure the spin along the y axis, we have invalidated our previous knowledge of the x axis spin.
My interpretation is when the spin of the x axis is measured and is available. Then when thereafter the spin of the y axis is measured, that during this process the spin the x-axis is disturbed and again becomes unknown.
With entangled particles, such measurements affect the entangled system as a whole.
The problem with this document is that neither the concept entangled particles or entangled system is clearly defined.
A simpler sentence is: With electrons, any measurement affects the atom as a whole.
Such phenomena were the subject of a 1935 paper by Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky, and Nathan Rosen, and several papers by Erwin Schrödinger shortly thereafter, describing what came to be known as the EPR paradox. Einstein and others considered such behavior impossible, as it violated the local realism view of causality (Einstein referring to it as "spooky action at a distance") and argued that the accepted formulation of quantum mechanics must therefore be incomplete.
These sentences are not very clear.
See: Reflection 5 - Polarization Correlation of Photons Emitted in an Atomic Cascade - by Carl Alvin Kocher 1967
In this document Carl Kocher describes an experiment which generates two photons, with each a particular frequency, originating almost simultaneously from a common source. That means when the frequency of each photon later is measured only 2 answers are possible. The logical conclusion is that the result of each measurement shows, both, the result when measured but also at the instant of creation. A different conclusion is that both frequencies should not be the same.
Any way no "spooky action at a distance" is involved. All the action is locally and part of the original reaction.

1. History

In 1935, Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen published a paper on the counterintuitive predictions that quantum mechanics makes for pairs of objects prepared together in a particular way.
May be all what is written is correct, but in total it is not clear.
In this study, the three formulated the Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen paradox (EPR paradox), a thought experiment that attempted to show that "the quantum-mechanical description of physical reality given by wave functions is not complete."
May be all what is written is correct, but in total it is not clear. The question is to what extend a thought experiment can be used in the realm of quantum mechanics.
However, the three scientists did not coin the word entanglement, nor did they generalize the special properties of the quantum state they considered.
IMO this section has to be rewritten.
An early experimental breakthrough was due to Carl Kocher, who already in 1967 presented an apparatus in which two photons successively emitted from a calcium atom were shown to be entangled – the first case of entangled visible light.
In his time Carl Kocher called this "Polarization Correlation of Photons", which is the correct name.
His experiments demonstrates that the two photons are created from a common point, inside the reaction, more or less instantaneous.
He did not mention that there is any physical link between the two photons.
For more detail see: Reflection 5 - Polarization Correlation of Photons Emitted in an Atomic Cascade - by Carl Alvin Kocher 1967

2 Concept

2.1 Meaning of entanglement

An entangled system is defined to be one whose quantum state cannot be factored as a product of states of its local constituents; that is to say, they are not individual particles but are an inseparable whole.
This sentence is not clear. It is important to start with an experiment which creates entangled particles.
In entanglement, one constituent cannot be fully described without considering the other(s).
This sentence is not clear. It is important to start with an experiment which creates entangled particles.
The state of a composite system is always expressible as a sum, or superposition, of products of states of local constituents; it is entangled if this sum cannot be written as a single product term.
This sentence is not clear. It is important to start with an experiment which creates entangled particles.
Quantum systems can become entangled through various types of interactions.
I expect interactions between Qubits. This is the case when the operation of a Quantum Computer is discussed.
Entanglement is broken when the entangled particles decohere through interaction with the environment; for example, when a measurement is made.
Decoherence is typical the case when Qubits are considered, because Qubits are not considered as stable.
In a Quantum Computer the operation of the Quantum system stops when a measurement is made to demonstrate the final result. This is typical the case in the Shor Algorithm. In that case at the end of the execution of the Algorithm a measurement should be made in order to stop the execution. There after the final answer will be displayed.


As an example of entanglement: a subatomic particle decays into an entangled pair of other particles. .
This makes only sense if entanglement is considered a normal condition of all elementary particles.
The decay events obey the various conservation laws, and as a result, the measurement outcomes of one daughter particle must be highly correlated with the measurement outcomes of the other daughter particle (so that the total momenta, angular momenta, energy, and so forth remains roughly the same before and after this process).
For instance, a spin-zero particle could decay into a pair of spin-½ particles. Since the total spin before and after this decay must be zero (conservation of angular momentum), whenever the first particle is measured to be spin up on some axis, the other, when measured on the same axis, is always found to be spin down.
The above result may or may not be perceived as surprising.

2.2 Paradox

The paradox is that a measurement made on either of the particles apparently collapses the state of the entire entangled system – and does so instantaneously, before any information about the measurement result could have been communicated to the other particle and hence assured the "proper" outcome of the measurement of the other part of the entangled pair.
More detail is required. I expect that the same problem arises if you want to calculate the speed of a particle.
In the quantum formalism, the result of a spin measurement on one of the particles is a collapse into a state in which each particle has a definite spin (either up or down) along the axis of measurement.
More detail is required what is meant
The outcome is taken to be random, with each possibility having a probability of 50%.
However, if both spins are measured along the same axis, they are found to be anti-correlated. This means that the random outcome of the measurement made on one particle seems to have been transmitted to the other, so that it can make the "right choice" when it too is measured.
The distance and timing of the measurements can be chosen so as to make the interval between the two measurements spacelike, hence, a message connecting the events would have to travel faster than light.
The two particles are correlated. To demonstrate that does require two measurements, but these measurements itself do not require any communication. The cause is in the original reaction when the two particles where created.
According to the principles of special relativity, it is not possible for any information to travel between two such measuring events.
It is not even possible to unambiguously say which of the measurements came first.
Therefore, the correlation between the two measurements cannot appropriately be explained as one measurement determining the other.
Different observers would disagree about the role of cause and effect.
All what is written above is not very clear. What is important that general speaking in any physical process, observers are not part of the process. Observations or measurements can be made, but they are not important for the evolution of the process, which should evolve indepent if measurements are made or not.
All measurements or observations are considered as events. The time of these events should be properly monitored, such they can later be evaluated.

2.3 Hidden variables theory

A possible resolution to the paradox might be to assume that the state of the particles contains some hidden variables, whose values effectively determine, right from the moment of separation, what the outcomes of the spin measurements are going to be.
Not clear.

2.4 Violations of Bell's inequality

Local hidden variable theories fail, however, when measurements of the spin of entangled particles along different axes are considered.
If a large number of pairs of such measurements are made (on a large number of pairs of entangled particles), then statistically, if the local realist or hidden variables view were correct, the results would always satisfy Bell's inequality.

2.5 Notable experimental results proving quantum entanglement

2.6 Emergence of time from quantum entanglement

2.7 Emergent gravity

3. Non-locality and entanglement

4. Quantum mechanical framework

4.1 Pure states

If the former occurs, then any subsequent measurement performed by Bob, in the same basis, will always return 1. If the latter occurs, (Alice measures 1) then Bob's measurement will return 0 with certainty.

4.2 Ensembles

4.3 Reduced density matrices

4.4 Two applications that use them

4.5 Entanglement as a resource - 2024

4.6 Classification of entanglement - 2024

4.7 Entropy

In this section, the entropy of a mixed state is discussed as well as how it can be viewed as a measure of quantum entanglement.
IMO entropy has nothing to do with quantum entanglement i.e., as an explanation that there exists a correlation between certain parameters of individual particles as a result of a process reaction.

4.7.1 Definition

In this section, the entropy of a mixed state is discussed as well as how it can be viewed as a measure of quantum entanglement.
IMO entropy has nothing to do with quantum entanglement i.e., as an explanation that there exists a correlation between certain parameters of individual particles as a result of a process reaction.

4.7.2 As a measure of entanglement - 2024

In this section, the entropy of a mixed state is discussed as well as how it can be viewed as a measure of quantum entanglement.
IMO entropy has nothing to do with quantum entanglement i.e., as an explanation that there exists a correlation between certain parameters of individual particles as a result of a process reaction.

4.8 Entanglement measures

4.9 Quantum field theory

5 Applications

Entanglement has many applications in quantum information theory. With the aid of entanglement, otherwise impossible tasks may be achieved.
Most researchers believe that entanglement is necessary to realize quantum computing (although this is disputed by some)

5.1 Entangled states

5.2 Methods of creating entanglement

5.3 Testing a system for entanglement

Systems which contain no entanglement are said to be separable.

6 Naturally entangled systems

The electron shells of multi-electron atoms always consist of entangled electrons.
The correct ionization energy can be calculated only by consideration of electron entanglement.

7. Entanglement of top quarks - 2024

8. Entanglement of macroscopic objects - 2024

8.1 Entanglement of elements of living systems - 2024

9. See also

Following is a list with "Comments in Wikipedia" about related subjects

Reflection 1 - Measurement

One very important issue of both correlation and entanglement is the measurement process. I specific write here process because it involves in many cases different steps an action by an observer.
The purpose of a measurement is to collect numerical values about the state of the process. Each measurement involves changes. This is what you can expect.
To define each measurement as a collapse of a wave function does not make sense. What is worse it introduces vagueness and adds complexity
What is also important that as part of the measurement process, as much as possible, no other parts of the system should be influenced.
You can also define that as if no other communication between different parts of the system should be involved.

Reflection 2 - Correlation in physics

Correlation in physics is a complex issue. Correlation has always to with a relation between different parameters of certain processes. For example with the height and the width of a building before it collapses or with the height and material used of a building etc.

An important point is that experiments in physics should not be performed with thought experiments, but always with real experiments. A typical case are to establish the parameters of the atoms in the periodic table.
Experiments should always be repeated many times, either identical or with different parameters.
What is also misleading is to start with complex initial condition without mentioning what happened before. A typical case is an initial condition consisting of: A binary star system of two identical stars with the same mass.
To describe a more realistic system: The initial state is a cloud of 100 small objects, moving randomly through that cloud. The evolution such a system is as follows: The system will contract by gravity and starting to rotate (this will cause an outward force). The objects will collide. When one object is much larger they will merge other wise smaller objects will emerge. After a certain time only two objects will be left over. And if you are lucky they move around each other in a circle.
If the radius of both are identical, based on vissible observations you can decide that the mass of both objects are identical. If not the masses of both can be 'calculated' using Newton's Law.

An interesting situation arises when one of the stars is hit by a smaller object from outer space. What will happen is that the smaller object will merge with the star, this will change the trajectory of the star, but also, almost simultaneous the trajectory of the other star. The reason is that the merging process will change the (direction, mass and speed) of the star but also the gravitational field emitted by the star. This change will propagate through space and when this change reaches the other star, the (direction and speed) of that star will also change.

This seems that the two objects are in some sences are linked, but that link is different from a physical link between two objects when there exist a continous flow of mass exchange between two objects, from one towards the other. The last one will increase in mass and the first will decrease.

Reflection 3 - Quantum Entanglement in particles

The article "Entanglement observed in a pair of quarks" in Nature of 19 September 2024, starts with the following sentence:
If two particles are entangled, the quantum mechanical state of each particle cannot be described independently of that of the other.
In essence what this sentence claims is: that the state of each particle cannot be described independently of the other. However that is also the case with each of stars in a binary system. You could also describe them as entangled. But what is in a name. All the stars in the universe influence each other.
The subject of the article in Nature is about a collision between two protons. This is shown in the following figure:
1 Proton --> Protons Collide <-- Proton
2 A surrounding cloud with quarks and gluons
3 Gluons collide and fuse
/ \
4 Top quark -- entanglement -- Anti Top quark
/ \ / \
5 W boson Bottom quark Anti Bottom quark W boson
/ \ / \
6 Anti-Muon Muon neutrino Electron Anti neutrino
7 Angles Measured Angles Measured

Reflection 4 - Quantum Conformance Test - 19 Jan 2022

Reflection 5 - Polarization Correlation of Photons Emitted in an Atomic Cascade - by Carl Alvin Kocher 1967

For a review of this article select: Article_Review_Polarization_Correlation_of_Photons_Emitted_in_an_Atomic_Cascade
The importance of this article that it describes in detail how two photons are created which are polarised and correlated. The document does not mention entanglement.
But what is more important that the cause of this correlation lies inside the reaction and that each measurement of the two photons defines the conditon of the photon before being measured and does 'not' influence the other photon.
IMO Carl Alvin Kocher is an hero.


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Created: 10 December 2016
Modified: 22 May 2018
Modified: 13 May 2023
Modified: 4 october 2024, major adaptations

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