FeedBack Form

Following is a list of questions. Answer the questions to the best of your knowledge by selecting the different pushbuttons. When finished, select the SUBMIT button.

The whole list contains 39 questions. A good strategy is first to save this page and go off-line. Print the page. Study the questions. Enter the questions and go on-line before selecting SUBMIT.

  1. First name:
  2. Last Name:
  3. E-mail:
  4. General Question
    Is this the first time you enter and submit this feedback ?
    You can resubmit, in order to correct or complete, this feedback page.
    Statistics will be maintained for each question, only if an answer is selected.

  5. Question about the concept Clear:
    Do you agree, that in general physical books, documents and articles should be written in a more clear, precise and unambiguous sense ?.

  6. Changing Length - part 1 question:
    Do you agree, that when you stay in the center of a rail track which has the shape of a circle and the speed of the train increases that the real length of the train does not change.

  7. Changing Length - part 2 question:
    Do you agree, that when you are not in the center of a rail track which has the shape of a circle and the speed of the train increases that the real length of the train does not change.

  8. Changing Length - part 2 question:
    Do you agree, that when you are not in the center of a rail track which has the shape of a circle and the speed of the train is constant that
    a) the real length of the train does not change and
    b) that the change in length observed is only a visible illusion.

  9. How do you rate the program TRAIN.BAS ?
    The program TRAIN.BAS explains the questions Changing Length - part 1 and Changing Length - part 2
    (0 = question not clear, 1 = bad - 5 = excellent)

  10. Question about Time and Clocks 1:
    Do you agree that time does not exist, is not something that exists.

  11. Question about Time and Clocks 2:
    Do you agree that anything what we call a clock is a physical process.

  12. Question about Time and Clocks 3:
    Do you agree that the frequency/speed (number of tics per second) of a clock is a function of the speed of the whole clock?

  13. Question about Electromagnetism 1
    Figure 4.6 at page 111 in the book GRAVITATION shows a diagram of a field of a charge first moving with constant velocity to the left and than with uniform velocity to the right. The same drawing is also in book A Journey into Gravity and Space-time page 194.
    Question: Is the center of the circle (sphere) with radius equal r a point that does not move in space and is in absolute rest ?

  14. Question about Gravity propagation 1
    The same question as above, but now if the movement of a certain mass and its gravity field is considered.
    Question: Is the center of the circle (sphere) with radius equal r a point that does not move in space and is in absolute rest ?

  15. Question about Gravity propagation 2
    The movement of the Sun through our Galaxy, the movement of the planets around the Sun and the movement of the moons around the planets are each characterized by a speed which changes continuous in direction and (for some) in length. This means they are subject of acceleration.
    Consider the same figure as of the previous question.
    Question: In order to describe the movement of each (for one revolution) you "only" have to apply the mathematics that describe the intervening zone of the sudden change, but now for mass, in time dt twice, (one in forward and one in backward direction) with dt being equal to half the revolution time.

  16. Question about Twin Paradox
    Do you agree that the Twin Paradox should include many Twins i.e. Many identical spaceships which all follow different trajectories.

  17. Question about Special Relativity 1:
    One of the laws of Special Relativity is T = T0 / sqrt (1 - v*v/c*c)
    Do you agree that the definition of speed v (which is a function of a certain time t') is difficult?

  18. Question about Special Relativity 2:
    Consider a photon transmitter (light source), a mirror and a photon receiver. The time between transmitting, rebounce at the mirror and receiving the photon is exactly 2 seconds.
    Question: Do you agree that the rebounce occurs after exactly 1 second ?

  19. Question about Special Relativity 3:
    Consider a photon transmitter on Earth, a mirror on Jupiter and a photon receiver on Earth. The time between transmitting, rebounce at the mirror and receiving the photon is exactly 2n seconds.
    Question: Do you agree that the rebounce occurs after exactly n second ?

  20. Question about Special Relativity 4:
    A space diagram shows a x,t diagram from an observer which is not accelerating. Such an observer is called an inertial observer in an inertial frame.
    Question: Is an observer at the equator of the Earth in such an inertial frame ?

  21. Question about Special Relativity 5:
    Question: Is an observer at the North or South Pole of the Earth in such an inertial frame ?
    If you answer SR question 4 and 5 both with NO than please give an example of what is an inertial frame.

  22. Question about Chaos and the Solar System:
    Do you agree that in order to simulate our Solar System including the Planets the Chaos Theory can be used.

  23. Question about Mercury 1:
    Do you agree that the forward movement (perihelion shift) of the planet Mercury is a function of (depends on) the speed and direction of our Sun.

  24. Question about Mercury 2:
    Do you agree that the forward movement (perihelion shift) of the planet Mercury is a function of the speed of our Galaxy through space.

  25. Question about Mercury 3:
    Do you agree that a simulation of the forward movement of Mercury is not a function of the precession of the Earth axis?
    This means that the true forward movement is equal to the Heliocentric (Sun centered) co-ordinates of Mercury minus the precession of the Earth axis.

  26. Question about the bending of Light around the Sun
    Do you agree that Newton's Law partly explains the bending of Light around the Sun.

  27. How do you rate the program LIGHT.BAS ?
    The program LIGHT.BAS explains the question Light bending around the Sun.
    (0 = question not clear, 1 = bad - 5 = excellent)

  28. Question about Dark Matter
    Do you agree that in order to simulate the rotation curve of a Galaxy you do not need the concept of Dark Matter? Only visible matter is enough.
    A rotation function is curve of rotation speed versus distance.

  29. How do you rate the program MASS_GAL.BAS ?
    The program MASS_GAL.BAS explains the question Dark matter.
    (0 = question not clear, 1 = bad - 5 = excellent)

  30. Question about Laws and Theories
    Do you agree that Laws should be a function of values (parameters) directly based on observations?

  31. How do you rate the program TWO_BODY.BAS ?
    The program TWO_BODY.BAS explains the questions about Laws and Theories.
    (0 = question not clear, 1 = bad - 5 = excellent)

  32. How do you rate the program VIRTUAL.BAS ?
    The program VIRTUAL.BAS explains the concept of virtual position and is part of the questions sound , electromagnetic wave and gravity waves
    (0 = question not clear, 1 = bad - 5 = excellent)

  33. Question about our Two Slit experiment
    Do you agree that before explaining Two Slit experiments the results of the actual experiments performed should be described more accurate. Including the difficulties encountered and the details of the different setups studied.

  34. How do you rate the program TWO_SLIT.BAS ?
    The program TWO_SLIT.BAS explains the questions about Two slit experiment
    (0 = question not clear, 1 = bad - 5 = excellent)

  35. How do you rate the program HUBBLE.BAS ?
    (0 = question not clear, 1 = bad - 5 = excellent)

  36. How do you rate the program GALAXY.BAS ?
    (0 = question not clear, 1 = bad - 5 = excellent)

  37. Question about our Galaxy
    Do you agree that there could be live, similar like us, somewhere in our Galaxy.

  38. General Relativity Contest
    Are you going to participate in the General Relativity Contest ?.

  39. Extra Contest
    Are you going to participate in the Extra Contest ?.

  40. Enter some comments about this feedback page (if you like).
    Comments specific about questions which are not clear are appreciated:

  41. Enter some comments about this whole site (if you like):
Once you have answered all the questions, click on the button.

If you would like to start over again, click on the button.

FeedBack Received about this Page

8 September 1996
The Faq that describes the speed of gravity is one sided. I suggest the approach by Van Flandern in Dark Matter, Missing Planets & New Comets. There's simply no reason to believe that gravity propagates at c, and many reasons to believe it does not.
17 november 1996
I filled out your feedback form but discovered at the end it uses the mailto: function, which I've never been able to make work with Win 95 in any browser. I thought your form was well done though, even if it is a little too long. I hope you don't expect many people to complete it all (at least well) in one sitting.

Total number of feedback forms received: 4

Questions with 4 in agreement are: 1,2, 4, 8, 34, -35 and -36.
- in front means No
Questions with 3 in agreement are: 3, 7, 13, 15, 16, 20, 22, -23, 30.
Average value for the programs is 78/22=3.4
The youngest participant was Michael, age 14.

Created: 15 November 1998
Last Modified: 12 January 2001

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