This program calculates:
The result of the program is displayed in 3 displays.
Operation - part 1
When the program starts you get a display showing 4 lines with 11 parameters.
Operation - part 2
Just press ENTER in order to start the simulation.
For similar programs in Visual Basic VB MASS GAL.ZIP
For description of that VB program select:VB Mass gal.htm
For similar programs in Excel select circ11.xls, circ12.xls and circ11.xls to circ15.xls. The purpose of those programs is to calculate disk density profiles to support (flat) galaxy rotation curves.
For a description of those programs and of "Read me First" select circ11.xls.htm
For a program to calculate galaxy rotation curves use: Grotc.xls.
For a description of this programs and of "Read me First" select grotc.xls.htm
The above 11 steps are done for all the segments dr, dphi and dz.
Equation 5 (6) in the first section of this paragraph describes the calculation of the rotation speed of a Galaxy, with mass concentrated in one point.
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Technical Data
The calculation of the speed curve of a Galaxy with is concentrated in one point:
In order to calculate the speed of the Galaxy with has a bulge and a disk, proceeds as follows:
a0 v1
m0 r0 Z r1 m1
v0 a1
The result is m (mass of Galaxy), vol (volume of Galaxy) and ax.
ax is the total acceleration component in the x direction at position dsun.
Disktype 1-4
Calculation of rcor (disk height) as a function of r.
**** 4 2
|3 1 4 2
| 3 1 4 2
| 3 1 4 2
h2 | 3 1 4 2
| 3 1 2
| 3 4 1 2
| 3 4 1 2
| 3 4 1 2
| 3 4 1 2
| *
h1 | *
| *
<------------- r----------------------->
h1 = is equal to: height disk * shape disk
h2 = is equal to the parameter: height disk - h1
distdisk = is equal to : Radius Total galaxy - Radius Bulge
1 rcor = h1 + h2 * (distdisk - r) / distdisk ' lineair
2 rcor = h1 + h2 * COS(r / distdisk * pi / 2) ' cosinus 0 - 90 degrees
3 rcor = h1 + h2 + h2 * COS(pi / 2 + r / distdisk * pi / 2) ' cosinus 90 - 180 degrees
4 rcor = h1 + h2 / 2 + h2 / 2 * COS(r / distdisk * pi) ' cosinus 0 - 180 degrees
The dark matter simulation gives 2 results:
Created: 9 September 1996
Last modified: 4 December 2001
Excel programs added: 1 Sept 2003
Visual Basic Program added: 1 Mai 2011